(Excuse the feet in the hygrophilia photo)
Discus= Sold
Tank + stand (Tank only is oceanic) = $120
Catalina fixture T5ho 3 bulb fixture= $80
Cascade 1000 filter= $60
Hygrophilia Angustifolia= Have tons of this. Will sell all of it for $20
Rotala Indica= Have tons of this. Will also sell all of it for 20$
x3 Amazon sword plant (Mother plants) 20 + inches high 20 inches across= 25 each
XLG crypts= $15 for all of it
Miscellaneous plants= will throw in free with plant purchase. Plants are tiger lotus and dwarf sagittarus
Text/call 2813231946. NEED ALL GONE ASAP. Willing to trade for MR.Aqua aquarium gallon long, Eheim 2213 or Aquarium compatible with MR.Aqua 12 gallon aquarium.
(Excuse the feet in the hygrophilia photo)
Discus= Sold
Tank + stand (Tank only is oceanic) = $120
Catalina fixture T5ho 3 bulb fixture= $80
Cascade 1000 filter= $60
Hygrophilia Angustifolia= Have tons of this. Will sell all of it for $20
Rotala Indica= Have tons of this. Will also sell all of it for 20$
x3 Amazon sword plant (Mother plants) 20 + inches high 20 inches across= 25 each
XLG crypts= $15 for all of it
Miscellaneous plants= will throw in free with plant purchase. Plants are tiger lotus and dwarf sagittarus
Text/call 2813231946. NEED ALL GONE ASAP. Willing to trade for MR.Aqua aquarium gallon long, Eheim 2213 or Aquarium compatible with MR.Aqua 12 gallon aquarium.