I have some hemianthus callitrichoides that has been growing submersed (which is better than emersed you can throw it straight into you tank) for 2 months. It is about ~62 square inches / ~8"x8". This guy on PT is selling the same amount for $155 + shipping ( http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/sh...allitrichoides), but I would like to get $30. Would prefer not split it up. I grow my HC with diy CO2, amazonia aqua soil and a finnex fugeray 2 which is med/high light on this tank.
Pictures and video of it pearling / gassing off https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=a9695...Hn3uchQEVgcdoo
$30 med center pick up. will throw in trimmings other random plants for free.
Pictures and video of it pearling / gassing off https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=a9695...Hn3uchQEVgcdoo
$30 med center pick up. will throw in trimmings other random plants for free.