going to remodel the house, so need to sell everything.
6 F1 frontosa kitumba (around 4-5") SOLD
12-13 F1 frontosa kipili (around 3-4"), made by my WC fish, SOLD
1 WC frontosa kitumba SOLD
5 WC frontosa kipili, SOLD
1 F1 Frontosa burundi (around 5-6") SOLD
6-7 calvus sumbu shell, SOLD
3 neolamprologus leleupi, a pair and a smaller one SOLD
2 calvus ink fin, around 3-4", SOLD
around 9 cyprichromis, WC, I think 8 bumble bee and 1 kitumba male SOLD
3 ophthalmotilapia ventralis orange cap, appears to be 1 male and 2 female SOLD
8 red head tapajos (around 4-5"), the females laid eggs for a few times SOLD
13 orange laser cory (2-3"), SOLD
10 clown loach (3-5"), had them over a year, fat and healthy (3-5", 1 at 7") SOLD
3 yoyo loach (around 4-5") SOLD
6 F1 frontosa kitumba (around 4-5") SOLD
12-13 F1 frontosa kipili (around 3-4"), made by my WC fish, SOLD
1 WC frontosa kitumba SOLD
5 WC frontosa kipili, SOLD
1 F1 Frontosa burundi (around 5-6") SOLD
6-7 calvus sumbu shell, SOLD
3 neolamprologus leleupi, a pair and a smaller one SOLD
2 calvus ink fin, around 3-4", SOLD
around 9 cyprichromis, WC, I think 8 bumble bee and 1 kitumba male SOLD
3 ophthalmotilapia ventralis orange cap, appears to be 1 male and 2 female SOLD
8 red head tapajos (around 4-5"), the females laid eggs for a few times SOLD
13 orange laser cory (2-3"), SOLD
10 clown loach (3-5"), had them over a year, fat and healthy (3-5", 1 at 7") SOLD
3 yoyo loach (around 4-5") SOLD