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WTB small saltwater ready 1-10 gal tank PLZ post

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  • WTB small saltwater ready 1-10 gal tank PLZ post

    looking to buy a 1-10 gallon saltwater ready tank nothing big just want an anemone and prolly clownfish XD
    Thank again everyone

  • #2
    Re: WTB small saltwater ready 1-10 gal tank PLZ post

    I've been told that the smaller a saltwater tank is, the harder it is to keep.
    Something to do with big being a better buffer against swings....
    check with the salt water folks.
    'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
    He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


    • #3
      Re: WTB small saltwater ready 1-10 gal tank PLZ post

      i just gave up on my 24 gallon marine after about 8 months of HEADACHE with flucutations in salinity and brown algae headache cause i wasnt usin ro water.


      • #4
        Re: WTB small saltwater ready 1-10 gal tank PLZ post

        I think that's just BS that those that have failed tell people or for those that can't accept change....ever been on There is a world of people on there that have never dealt with a large tank and don't seem to have much problem keeping nano's/pico's/etc.

        I will say that regardless it requires some dedication and if you ask for help try and take it, oh and don't try and cut corners and have patience

        My NC12g has been up for almost a year now and it has never given me any problems...salinity stays consistent...every one is super happy....never lost a fish in the tank...doing super well as I type. This was my very first real attempt at saltwater/reef tank.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: WTB small saltwater ready 1-10 gal tank PLZ post

          Now that that's out of the way....

          If you want a 10g the best thing to do is just go out and pay the $11 for a new 10g and get new would help to get some liverock from someone that is breaking down their tank which will be "live and established". After that....look into something other then an anemone, they don't do well in small tanks and if you aren't up to speed about their needs and keeping reef tanks then it's just gonna die on you and that's just bad.

          There are lots of alternatives to anemones that don't require as much attention and the clowns will host whatever it is.....some clowns don't ever take to the anemone and some prefer powerheads and magnets.

          You need to do a lot more research before jumping into it.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #6

