Looking to go a different route. Looking to trade for chocolate cichlids or Severums or sale for price below.
$75 takes all 3 discus. Firm not a penny less.
2x 5" Angel (Body alone) $15 for both or $10 each sold
2x Checkerboard Discus 3" and 3.5" both for $50
1x Blue Diamond Discus 4.5" $60
10" Clown Loach $80 sold
PM offers, send cell# for pics. Will give discount if you take them all.
$75 takes all 3 discus. Firm not a penny less.
2x 5" Angel (Body alone) $15 for both or $10 each sold
2x Checkerboard Discus 3" and 3.5" both for $50
1x Blue Diamond Discus 4.5" $60
10" Clown Loach $80 sold
PM offers, send cell# for pics. Will give discount if you take them all.