Been growing these guys out for a few months now.. they're between 1-2" and already showing great color (orange fins and bright blue eyes). All healthy and eating a variety of NLS and Ken's troph lover's flakes. Weak fry have already been thinned out, so all you have to do is watch them grow now. I don't NEED to sell them, but I'm sure someone else can devote more time to them than my schedule allows.
Here's a video from yesterday (tank is a 125):
Make sure to watch in HD or else the quality is crap
Pics from a couple weeks ago: 10271580_10202545332943587_4989023554546454352_n.jpg10678715_10202545332703581_4871492854040028029_n.jpg
Have somewhere around 33, looking to get $300 for all. I'm also willing to split them into two groups ($10 a piece for this option). If interested, call or text 7138570310 for fastest response.
Here's a video from yesterday (tank is a 125):
Make sure to watch in HD or else the quality is crap
Pics from a couple weeks ago: 10271580_10202545332943587_4989023554546454352_n.jpg10678715_10202545332703581_4871492854040028029_n.jpg
Have somewhere around 33, looking to get $300 for all. I'm also willing to split them into two groups ($10 a piece for this option). If interested, call or text 7138570310 for fastest response.