Colony is producing well so it's time to start a for sale thread for the group.
Current have 28 Just about ready to go. They are from a very consistently colored colony. Super healthy and eating aggressively.
$15 each with minimum order of 10
20+ $14 each
Same Day Shipping through Delta Air Cargo for $60 which includes Free packing materials.
Box, Styro, Double Bagged and Banded, O2 and Heat Packs. This is a good $10 worth of materials.
Payment through Paypal. or (248) 943-8634
Parents HD Video:
Actual fry you'll get.

Have 25-30 more growing out as well and females holding.
Current have 28 Just about ready to go. They are from a very consistently colored colony. Super healthy and eating aggressively.
$15 each with minimum order of 10
20+ $14 each
Same Day Shipping through Delta Air Cargo for $60 which includes Free packing materials.
Box, Styro, Double Bagged and Banded, O2 and Heat Packs. This is a good $10 worth of materials.
Payment through Paypal. or (248) 943-8634
Parents HD Video:
Actual fry you'll get.

Have 25-30 more growing out as well and females holding.