a bunch of stuff for sale - priced to move.
First come first served
Check craigslist for pics
Pm or text - 282 908 4842
1. Fish.
One spotted diamond goby. 25 usd
This guy will clean your sand in a week. He is a real work horse and has a great personality.
2. Red bubble tip anemone - 55 usd
Dark red BTA. Large size. A sure shot clown host. Feed this guy and he will split for you.
3. Corals
A. Bicolor hammer (two head) - 50 usd
huge two head colony. With green and purple bright colors. He grows like crazy and has super nice colors. And also is huge in size
B. Metallic green torch - 30 usd
Super bright metallic green torch with Thick tentacles and even brighter tips. One head. But very very nice and ready to grow more.
C. Neon Duncan - 2 head (1 full size and 1 new bud) - 25 usd
This Duncan is gorgeous. Neon green stem and center with long tentacles. Not a common piece.
D. Leather tree - 40 usd
This leather tree is a great addition to any tank. Be different in terms of your leather collection than everyone else who has a toadstool. Purple/green in color with white/blue lighting.
Prices are firm.
First come first served
Check craigslist for pics
Pm or text - 282 908 4842
1. Fish.
One spotted diamond goby. 25 usd
This guy will clean your sand in a week. He is a real work horse and has a great personality.
2. Red bubble tip anemone - 55 usd
Dark red BTA. Large size. A sure shot clown host. Feed this guy and he will split for you.
3. Corals
A. Bicolor hammer (two head) - 50 usd
huge two head colony. With green and purple bright colors. He grows like crazy and has super nice colors. And also is huge in size
B. Metallic green torch - 30 usd
Super bright metallic green torch with Thick tentacles and even brighter tips. One head. But very very nice and ready to grow more.
C. Neon Duncan - 2 head (1 full size and 1 new bud) - 25 usd
This Duncan is gorgeous. Neon green stem and center with long tentacles. Not a common piece.
D. Leather tree - 40 usd
This leather tree is a great addition to any tank. Be different in terms of your leather collection than everyone else who has a toadstool. Purple/green in color with white/blue lighting.
Prices are firm.