10+ Black neon tetras 2$ apiece
10+ Harlequin rasboras 2$ apiece
2 Golden wonder killifish 3$ apiece
5 Red and blue columbian tetra 3$ apiece
All fish are 2yrs old except for the red and blue columbian tetras which are about 1yr old
They are all great looking fish i am juat going in a different direction as far as what im keeping in that tank
If you dont like the prices please make an offer that is reasonable
Need gone asap
10+ Harlequin rasboras 2$ apiece
2 Golden wonder killifish 3$ apiece
5 Red and blue columbian tetra 3$ apiece
All fish are 2yrs old except for the red and blue columbian tetras which are about 1yr old
They are all great looking fish i am juat going in a different direction as far as what im keeping in that tank
If you dont like the prices please make an offer that is reasonable
Need gone asap