Quite a few frags of easy to keep sps including the following :
Pink birdsnest
Green birdsnest
Pink Pocillopora
Yellow Pocillopora
Purple stylophora
Green stylophora
Rose milli
Appleberry montipora
Green Montipora cap
Red montipora cap
Orange montipora digitata
These are all easy to keep and good growers and have great color. Awesome beginner's sps.
Pink birdsnest
Green birdsnest
Pink Pocillopora
Yellow Pocillopora
Purple stylophora
Green stylophora
Rose milli
Appleberry montipora
Green Montipora cap
Red montipora cap
Orange montipora digitata
These are all easy to keep and good growers and have great color. Awesome beginner's sps.