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WTB: Paroon sharks

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  • WTB: Paroon sharks

    I hope this is the appropriate forum since this is my first post, so please forgive me! I have called about a dozen fish stores in Houston and no one has these guys. Does anyone know a lfs that carries them? Btw, I am a monster fish fan if you can't tell. Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

    Hmm, no, I don't know of any store that carries them. But there are a few that will special order them for you, I'm sure. Have you asked them? I'm actually kind of glad that no one carries them, you don't want these guys to go into someone's first 10g!  
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

      I saw one large Paroon shark catfish at Xtreme this weekend.


      • #4
        Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

        Thanks guys. Nick, that was actually the paroon that started it look at that guy and we were determined to get one!


        • #5
          Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

          call xtremefish ask for truong he will order the fish for you. 281-564-7855


          • #6
            Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

            I read they should be kept in groups in large 1000+ gallon aquariums/ponds. That they can get upto 8 feet.


            • #7
              Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

              Originally posted by Brownsnoutuk";p="
              I read they should be kept in groups in large 1000+ gallon aquariums/ponds. That they can get upto 8 feet.
              That's a lot of fish!
              PLECOS SUCK!



              • #8
                Re: WTB: Paroon sharks



                • #9
                  Re: WTB: Paroon sharks


                  so dude... can you house a fish (or several) that big?  if you can I want to see pictures!


                  • #10
                    Re: WTB: Paroon sharks

                    I had a couple of these guys about 4 years ago. They are very skittish fish. I never saw them get past about a foot, any time food went in the tank or the lights went off or on, or someone sneezed in the next house over, one or the other went crazy and started pinballing around the tank. It had me so worried the tank was going to burst, until one day I was sitting on the couch calmly watching them swim back and forth when suddenly one went berserk and smacked the left and right panes, came up from the bottom, hit the lids and spiraled out of control to the bottom. I couldn't believe it, figured he was knocked out from the force of impact, but I was wrong he had gone kamikaze and died on impact. The other guy was traded to North Dallas Aquarium the next day for some moss balls. Other than their skittishness they were great, ate out of my hand at the top of the tank and basically just went back and forth lazily, until a  mouse crapped in the wall and the pinball action started.

