I got a trio of killis for free from someone. Well, since then the male has died and the two females are in great health, but I just don't really have the room for them. They're too aggressive for my community tank and I don't have the room (or patience in my mother) for a separate tank for them.
I'm not sure what species, but the male was a blue-ish color.
I'd prefer someone that is close-ish to College Station, but I can meet you in the middle to save gas.
Let me know before Sunday, please!! I'm leaving on Monday and want them settled into their new home by then. Thanks!!!
I'm not sure what species, but the male was a blue-ish color.
I'd prefer someone that is close-ish to College Station, but I can meet you in the middle to save gas.
Let me know before Sunday, please!! I'm leaving on Monday and want them settled into their new home by then. Thanks!!!