I have a red devil I would like to trade someone.... I live in Laporte (deer park) area.... he is about 4-5 inches long and is very active..... I am trading him to get more of the same type of fish in the tank... right now I have many types and I see signs of aggesion from him/her not sure the sex....I would like angle fish (for my planted tank.) or maybe blood parrots or I would even trade for tiger barbs..... please PM me or e-mail.. copesigns@aol.com if you have something else please let me know... I have several tanks and could possibly put it in another tank... tinfoil barbs, silver dollars, bala sharks, thanks
Or just give me a call.... 281-867-0678 cope (chuck)
Or just give me a call.... 281-867-0678 cope (chuck)