Due busy at work, I start to sell my fishes first then tank and equipment after. Look at the picture to pick what fish do you want, some of my fishes will go to my friend that I will post as sold.
- 3 Yellow Tangs. (Sold)
- Lamarck angle female Big - SOLD
- A pair of Ocellaris clownfish lay eggs every 2 weeks$80 $60 for both
- Snowflake clownfish $35 (this snowflake clownfish live with a pair Ocellaris, so I am sure he is not female)….Pending
- Wyoming white clownfish ….Sold
- 6 Ocellaris clownfish …All Sold
- 2x Cleaner shrimp ...Sold
- Blue powder tang - SOLD
- Kole Tang - SOLD
- Queen angel - SOLD
- Flame angel - SOLD
- Wrasse - SOLD
- 4x Rose Bubble Tip anemones - Large $40 Medium $30
- 7x Rainbow anemone - 1 X-large $50, 1 Medium $30, 4 Small $20
All my fishes were in my tank at least 2 years or more and I bought from other hobbies (not LFS, because I don't trust them).
- 3 Yellow Tangs. (Sold)
- Lamarck angle female Big - SOLD
- A pair of Ocellaris clownfish lay eggs every 2 weeks
- Snowflake clownfish $35 (this snowflake clownfish live with a pair Ocellaris, so I am sure he is not female)….Pending
- Wyoming white clownfish ….Sold
- 6 Ocellaris clownfish …All Sold
- 2x Cleaner shrimp ...Sold
- Blue powder tang - SOLD
- Kole Tang - SOLD
- Queen angel - SOLD
- Flame angel - SOLD
- Wrasse - SOLD
- 4x Rose Bubble Tip anemones - Large $40 Medium $30
- 7x Rainbow anemone - 1 X-large $50, 1 Medium $30, 4 Small $20
All my fishes were in my tank at least 2 years or more and I bought from other hobbies (not LFS, because I don't trust them).