Four live feed cultures for sale:
-- Microworms
-- Banana Worms
-- Walter Worms
-- Vinegar Eels
Price is $12 for all cultures or $9 for just worms and includes Free First-Class postage with tracking within the Continental US.
The Vinegar Eels are in an established culture, ready to harvest and feed in addition to starting your own culture as soon as you get them. You can put them in a larger container or keep them in the bottle they ship in.
The worms also come from established cultures, and you should be able to see hundreds in just 48 to 72 hours after you have them on medium you will be harvesting from.
Banana worms are the smallest and perfect for brand new fry; Walter Worms are a little larger; and the microworms are the largest at about 3mm. The Vinegar Eels are about 1/8" long and will survive and swim in the water column for a few days, they do not sink to the bottom.
-- Microworms
-- Banana Worms
-- Walter Worms
-- Vinegar Eels
Price is $12 for all cultures or $9 for just worms and includes Free First-Class postage with tracking within the Continental US.
The Vinegar Eels are in an established culture, ready to harvest and feed in addition to starting your own culture as soon as you get them. You can put them in a larger container or keep them in the bottle they ship in.
The worms also come from established cultures, and you should be able to see hundreds in just 48 to 72 hours after you have them on medium you will be harvesting from.
Banana worms are the smallest and perfect for brand new fry; Walter Worms are a little larger; and the microworms are the largest at about 3mm. The Vinegar Eels are about 1/8" long and will survive and swim in the water column for a few days, they do not sink to the bottom.