Current stock picture
Looks to me like one male ob, and a bunch of females. Some are holding fry. Not a breeder so not interested in trying to raise them for future sales sorry.
Located in 77459 missouri city area.
1$ a fish
Wife doesn't want people in the house so DM me your number and fish that you want and I'll send you address when available and curb side pick up them for you with your fish in a 5g bucket. Please don't show up without a bucket or expect to buy 20 fish in a 1gallon bucket... All are 4-6 inchs
Current stock picture
Looks to me like one male ob, and a bunch of females. Some are holding fry. Not a breeder so not interested in trying to raise them for future sales sorry.
Located in 77459 missouri city area.
1$ a fish
Wife doesn't want people in the house so DM me your number and fish that you want and I'll send you address when available and curb side pick up them for you with your fish in a 5g bucket. Please don't show up without a bucket or expect to buy 20 fish in a 1gallon bucket... All are 4-6 inchs