These are Odyssea canister filters. Rated 317gph(was told for upto 125g). Has a push primer. I just don't have the hose that come with it, but I do have the spray bar and inlet tube. I'm sure some store can get it. I bought these not even 2 weeks ago and only used them for 2 nights to test. I have the same canister running on my 135g. The filters come with 4 media baskets. Floss pads in all baskets. Also comes with a bio sponge, carbon, bio rings, and something else i'm not sure what it is(looks like crushed coral). All used for only a couple of days. Want $90 for both. Picture is 335kb so I cannot post here. PM me with your email so I can send. I have pieces of the hose that you can have to so you can match. Ranging from a couple inches to 28inches. If you put the canister up to the tank maybe you don't need to buy hose for 1 canister. I have 1 intake hose that is 24inches and a outlet hose that is 28inches. I am also still looking for a 29g stand possibly for a trade. I will be getting a stand either way tomorrow.
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2 Canister Filters For Sale
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Re: 2 Canister Filters For Sale
From the flowrate you give, the canister is the Odyssea CFS4 Canister Filter.
I have read that they shutoff valves break easily, it ever happen to you?380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
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180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola
Re: 2 Canister Filters For Sale
Yes, it is the CFS4. I have only had these canister for only 2 weeks. So I wouldn't know about that problem. Valves look dependable. These are the 2006 model so maybe they fixed that problem. Canisters for sale only used for 2 days. I do have 1 on my 135g. You trying to jinx me? :evil: Â haha j/k
Re: 2 Canister Filters For Sale
Yeah, the odyssea hoses snap at the nipple on the connector if you aren't very carefull with them. If you give the connector a small twist before trying to remove it it helps.Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.