45 gallon hex tank, lots of live plants, all the proper equipment and a VERY bright (and expensive) light for the plants. Must take complete with fish. Would like it to go to someone who knows about planted tanks. Tank located in the Heights, Houston.
20-30 rummy nose tetras
5 glass cats
10 amano shrimp
3 loaches (don't remember what kind, snail control)
Possibly some cherry shrimp, they turned into food when you don't feed the fish regularly..
Various live plants.
Nice piece of wood
Lots of cleaning supplies, etc..
20-30 rummy nose tetras
5 glass cats
10 amano shrimp
3 loaches (don't remember what kind, snail control)
Possibly some cherry shrimp, they turned into food when you don't feed the fish regularly..
Various live plants.
Nice piece of wood
Lots of cleaning supplies, etc..