Eheim 2234- 1 year old, works great, comes with all baskets, media, intake and output tubes, and box. Will need some hose.

Coralife Aqualight 24" 65 watt- Like new, super clean. Ballast went out at 1 year old, spent over $50.00 for new ballast and 55 watt 10,000K bulb and used about 6 weeks, so all electronics are like new. Will throw in a used 6700K bulb or two. No mounting legs. SOLD

Red Sea Turbo co2 Bio-System- Works great, just needs the airline that goes between the pump and cannister. $15.00

Three plastic plants- 10", 5", 4". $5.00 for all three

Emporer 280 Bio-wheel filter- When I was getting it out, I dropped it on the right rear corner and broke a small piece out of it, so now it is free to whoever needs parts or it is easily siliconed. It works great and like all of my stuff it is very clean. FREE

Aqua-Tech filter cartridges- This is an unopened 3 pack of filter cartridges that fit Aqua-Tech 10 & 10-20 and also Hartz HM-1 filters. FREE to anyone who can use them.

14" Meiko airstone- some wear on stone but still works great. FREE with any other purchase

As usual anyone who gets any of the items above are welcome to any stem plant trimmings or green wendtii crypts I have to spare.
The easiest way to contact me is by cell from 9am to 9pm only please. 713-628-1855
Any pms will be answered nightly at 10pm.
I am at 59N and Beltway 8.