I want to get a 6 or 7 foot tank and start a colony of something, but I have to make some room first ... and replace the carpet in my den with tile ... and get new furniture, ... but I have to start somewhere. So,…..
For Sale:
46g Bowfront Complete Set-up (currently set-up and running): tank, stand, glass top, 36" strip light, under gravel filter, gravel, Aqueon HOB filter, 2 air pumps, tubing, plastic plants, breeding enclosure, air stones, ….. just add water and fish - and below I even have some fish !! - $250 obo
Tank & Stand:

Tank with decorations:

Aqueon HOB Filter running on tank:

Air pumps running on tank:

Fluval 303 Canister Filter - $50 obo

2 - 5.5 gallon tanks, tanks only - $10 obo for both
24 inch standard fluorescent light fixture - $10 obo

Little less than half a bag (approx 5 lbs) of CaribSea Argonite Substrate - $8 obo
1 never used 20-inch straight-pin 50/50 bulb, 65wt - came with my coralife 24-inch fixture but I changed to a 10,000K bulb - $10 obo (foot not included in purchase price) :wink:

Misc Fish in the 46 gallon tank. All free to a good home if you'll come to Kingwood to get them (and help catch them).
Assorted guppies - maybe 15 or so
2 neons
1 female red swordtail
4 or 5 platties, red wags and one marbled
2 Japanese algae eaters
I'll take some pictures this evening and post them of the set-up, filter etc.
For Sale:
46g Bowfront Complete Set-up (currently set-up and running): tank, stand, glass top, 36" strip light, under gravel filter, gravel, Aqueon HOB filter, 2 air pumps, tubing, plastic plants, breeding enclosure, air stones, ….. just add water and fish - and below I even have some fish !! - $250 obo
Tank & Stand:

Tank with decorations:

Aqueon HOB Filter running on tank:

Air pumps running on tank:

Fluval 303 Canister Filter - $50 obo

2 - 5.5 gallon tanks, tanks only - $10 obo for both
24 inch standard fluorescent light fixture - $10 obo

Little less than half a bag (approx 5 lbs) of CaribSea Argonite Substrate - $8 obo
1 never used 20-inch straight-pin 50/50 bulb, 65wt - came with my coralife 24-inch fixture but I changed to a 10,000K bulb - $10 obo (foot not included in purchase price) :wink:

Misc Fish in the 46 gallon tank. All free to a good home if you'll come to Kingwood to get them (and help catch them).
Assorted guppies - maybe 15 or so
2 neons
1 female red swordtail
4 or 5 platties, red wags and one marbled
2 Japanese algae eaters
I'll take some pictures this evening and post them of the set-up, filter etc.