i did a rescape today, and i never knew i had a whole bunch of rotala, so now i dont need it and i dont want to throw it away. a lot of the stems are very long, since i did not trim for 3 weeks, although the bottoms are more bare. I'm giving this stuff away for free, i just ask you come pick it up, or meet me somewhere near where i live. If you have a spare RCS or CRS and dont mind giving me one or two I would appreciate it
If not it don't matter i'll still give it to you for free. Or i can split it into portions if more people want it, THERES A BUNCH. I wanna give this away quick before it goes to waste.
some background info:

its coming from this tank:

some background info:

A fast growing, undemanding plant. High light is needed to bring out good color [red]. Erroneously called Rotala indica, which is a different plant. Propagation by lateral shoots.
its coming from this tank:
