I was cleaning out a grow-out tank this morning and I had a 6" net full of little ramshorn snails ready to toss in the garbage and then I had an idea.
I tossed all of them 100+ into my tank of 20 juve 3-4" Amphilophus labiatus and they thought they were medium size floating chiclid pellets.
Just got back from the evening feeding and there are a lot of broken snail shells on the bottom that I need to syphon-up but no snails on the glass.
maybe you need an organic snail disposal unit or two ?
[s:0cdc089df4]$3[/s:0cdc089df4] $2 each or trade for anything except more chiclids.
I tossed all of them 100+ into my tank of 20 juve 3-4" Amphilophus labiatus and they thought they were medium size floating chiclid pellets.
Just got back from the evening feeding and there are a lot of broken snail shells on the bottom that I need to syphon-up but no snails on the glass.
[s:0cdc089df4]$3[/s:0cdc089df4] $2 each or trade for anything except more chiclids.