1 Free female betta
8 Cyprichromis Bulu Point (5m/3f) all adult size 4" - $120

$70 - Iwaki MD-30RLT --- http://www.aquabuys.com/miva/merchan...Store_Code=aqb

$10 - 60" Metal light strip with a 42" t6 bulb

$10 - 12" Jebo PC light with blue bulb pictured below

8 Cyprichromis Bulu Point (5m/3f) all adult size 4" - $120

$70 - Iwaki MD-30RLT --- http://www.aquabuys.com/miva/merchan...Store_Code=aqb

$10 - 60" Metal light strip with a 42" t6 bulb

$10 - 12" Jebo PC light with blue bulb pictured below
