Standard AGA 10g tank
a 1 piece glass top.
Tetra Whisper EX45 Powerfilter.
20lbs of Caribsea Eco-Complete Planted Tank Substrate.
15lbs of Seiyru Seiki Stones.
1x 100 watt Eheim Jagger Heater
1x Coralife Digital Thermometer
1x 20" AGA Strip Lght w/ a Poweglo Bulb
1x Double Sided Blue/Black Background
heres pic -
a 1 piece glass top.
Tetra Whisper EX45 Powerfilter.
20lbs of Caribsea Eco-Complete Planted Tank Substrate.
15lbs of Seiyru Seiki Stones.
1x 100 watt Eheim Jagger Heater
1x Coralife Digital Thermometer
1x 20" AGA Strip Lght w/ a Poweglo Bulb
1x Double Sided Blue/Black Background
heres pic -