Anyone needs floating plants-Red Root Floater, Frogbit? $5 small sandwich bag covering at least 6x6". Pickup Spring 77389 or W. Houston 77072 area.
I have other stem plants as well (trim every 2-3 months so may not available all the time): Moneywort, Rotala (mix of green/hra/blood red), Staurogyne Repens, Ludwigia Repens, Lobelia Cardinalis, Anacharis, Hornwort, Hydrocotyle Japan/Tripartita, Bacopa colorata, Dwarf Sag, Mexican oak leaf. All easy to grow. DM if interested.
I have other stem plants as well (trim every 2-3 months so may not available all the time): Moneywort, Rotala (mix of green/hra/blood red), Staurogyne Repens, Ludwigia Repens, Lobelia Cardinalis, Anacharis, Hornwort, Hydrocotyle Japan/Tripartita, Bacopa colorata, Dwarf Sag, Mexican oak leaf. All easy to grow. DM if interested.