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everything... maybe

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  • everything... maybe

    Heya. I haven't been around for a while, and I'm not going into why.

    Now, I don't want to do this and there's a chance that I won't have to. But just in case I do, I want someone or someones lined up, so PM me as quickly as you can and be ready to receive a call today. I'll call you to tell you whether or not it's going to happen. Sorry to put this up with nothing definite. I just really, really want to avoid it if I can.

    The following tanks with all fish and equipment might be up for grabs:

    10 gallon tank
    • two female dwarf puffers
    • unknown amount of otocinclus
    • one amano shrimp
    • planted with a few decorations
    • black gravel substrate
    • heater
    • Two tetra filters, one HOB and one internal

    10 gallon tank
    • planted
    • one betta
    • a Hagen HOB and Tom's Rapids Mini canister filters
    • heater
    • two large apple snails (female has a brown, striped shell and black body, male has a bluish-white shell and bluish-black body)
    • apple snails have been trying to mate for a while, but I've yet to find eggs for some reason
    • colony of pest snails (good as treats for the dwarf puffers in the other ten gallon)
    • blue gravel substrate covered by black sand

    2.65 gallon tank - was a gift and I might keep it even if I have to get rid of the rest
    • one betta - Captain Peacock, whom you can find a picture of in the betta pics thread in the anabantids forum... he's lost much of his white band during fin regrowth after a bout of fin rot
    • red gravel substrate
    • one nerite - provides good exercise and stimulation for the betta, who hates it and threatens it all the time - funny to watch and you really get to see him flare his pretty finnage
    • one heater by Tom's, I believe... you may have seen this in the stores... it's a flat, black paddle-shaped heater that goes under the gravel... only for use if he gets sick
    • one Hagen Elite Mini internal filter for up to five gallons - doesn't have a carbon insert, which doesn't seem to be a problem and is less of a headache that way... I have it low in the tank at full blast... barely disturbs the surface and allows bubblenests, and Captain Peacock even enjoys playing in it
    • a green rock with two java ferns attached to it via rubber bands... also put a small amount of java moss on it... the ferns have taken off, but the moss has yet to do so
    • a couple pieces of wisteria... light isn't sufficient to make them grow, but they remain healthy, though the same size
    • rarely needs water changes
    • tank sits right next to the monitor on my desk, so the betta is used to company
    • if you want to know more about the tank, look up information on the Marina 2.65 gallon alleged "goldfish kit" (grr)... the main light I have for it is the one Marina sells for their "goldfish kits" (grr)... it's been perfect for the betta... I also have Marina's LED light hub with one of each of the four available colors of LEDs for accent (which I no longer use)
    • this was the tank that started my addiction... my friend surprised me with it as a gift because it was pirate themed (she knows me well - YAR!)... it had some silly, cartoonish non-adhesive stickers that I had on it for a long time... they've been removed, but left some marks on it that might be removable... same with rings from the suckers for the LEDs and hub
    • one of those sticker-type thermometers, which is messed up and I only gave a half-assed attempt to remove... the adhesive glue will probably need acetone to get off

    20 gallon tall
    • 10 cardinal tetras
    • two otocinclus
    • two female guppies and one guppy fry that is hanging on
    • one white cloud (used to be a school - explanation in another bullet)
    • two young platies - one a light blue with yellow tail (the offspring of a Mickey Mouse and a blue female, both long gone) and one brilliantly red one with a black tailfin
    • tons of pest snails... the original colony for puffer treats, though can no longer be safely used for such... they were very beneficial for clearing an outbreak of black beard algae, as well fish carcasses (again, more on that below)... might want to kill them off now... since the problems, I've unfortunately let them breed too much and it's really ugly
    • one internal Whisper filter and one AquaClear HOB... the AquaClear is brand new, but the motor's dead... I called Hagen and left a message over the weekend, but they never responded and I haven't had a chance to call back... will help with that, though... if I can find the receipt, Aquarium World might exchange it
    • regular sand substrate
    • one large holey rock
    • a lot of plants that haven't been doing well since the old HOB had been dead for a week before I could get the new one and it only lasted a couple of days... before, it all grew well enough that the snails were unable to cause much damage, but some of them have been pretty ravaged, though most will come back with a lot of care and better conditions
    • had a bad outbreak of neon tetra disease that wiped out a lot of the fish, but seems to have lost its potency, you can never get rid of it, of course, but it's probably safe to build the population back up a bit
    • the cardinals had been placed in there temporarily until I set up an empty 15 gallon tank that I only needed a hood and lighting for... I've been impressed by their unexpected hardiness, as this is a coldwater tank and they've thrived in it even through the bout of neon tetra disease (which wouldn't be surprising but for the less than perfect conditions for a tropical fish, including a pH that's too high)... they're small - a little over an inch in length - but by all evidence should live a long time
    • whoever gets this will get the 15 gallon I had been hoping to transfer the cardinals to and make a South American biotope, as well as the natural gravel substrate and black sand I had planned to cover it with... also an old can of cheap tropical food someone gave me that would be excellent for a fishless cycle... the cardinals would still look beautiful in it and if you're careful with the transfer, you *might* be able to try adding more fish a little at a time if they survive... my plan had been a school of blind cave tetras to contrast the cardinals and eventually a ram of some sort, possibly with some small SA cories... would still be beautiful with just the cardinals and maybe some inverts, though I'd like to see my idea come to fruition..., whom I've had a very good experience with in the past, has an inexpensive SA plant package that would be perfect for this... also have one of those dollar store filters that might work
    • I'll clean the tank for you, as I've been using it for culturing various bacterias... might need some bleaching before use, though

    29 gallon
    • six black skirt tetras - a little timid, but very curious and will become friendlier with time
    • seven serpae tetras
    • two dwarf neon tetras, one male, one female - has the bold curiosity typical of rainbows, so they're very friendly and have a lot of personality... had been planning to add two at a time as I could afford it until I had eight, which will make them much more fun and gregarious, but they're still pretty happy
    • two peppered (paleatus) cories... recently lost one, so more should be added... these are very shy when you approach the tank
    • one paradise fish with a lot of personality and loves to be visited... he'll follow you around when you approach... gets along well with everyone
    • three young Bolivian rams... I made a mistake and wound up with two males and one female, so the males are a bit aggressive to each other, but there's been no violence... they have good personality and especially the dominant male is getting used to humans and will continue to respond to attention
    • one large holey rock and a smaller black and white rock that's more for decoration than anything else
    • quite a few plants that are only hanging on due to woefully insufficient lighting... will do excellently with better light
    • a layer of Eco-Complete topped with a layer of blue and green gravel... probably the main reason the plants are hanging on
    • a yeast-based carbon system if I can find all the parts again (I had removed it when I lost the yeast packages, but I found them recently)... it's only for 20 gallon tanks, but helped a lot while I was using it
    • two HOB filters, a Penguin and some lesser known brand that I don't remember with a builtin skimmer... both work well, though the Pengin's filter has trouble spinning... will be better if the intake is covered to prevent clogging from plant debris and I've found a very good way of doing this
    • one heater
    • the plants are doing well enough that you only need to replenish evaporated water once a week and do a nominal water change every other week
    • some silly shells that litter the bottom and really should be removed for the sake of decency
    • all fish are healthy and happier, though the cories will be happier when you add some more... the schooling fish are comfortable enough that they don't school all the time and only seem to do so for the enjoyment of it when they do
    • has a nice wooden stand and cheap black plastic hood
    • includes an amazon sword that hasn't been doing very well, but had a nice runner when I bought which produce five cuttings that are doing well in other tanks with better lighting... one nice cutting left that I've left alone because the runner will start growing very well again with better lighting... the runner is remaining in much better condition than the mother plant, though

    55 gallon
    • these goldies are my beloved babies... you must take extra good care of them if you take it
    • five orandas - a red and black, a red cap, a panda, a blue, and a chocolate... yes, way overstocked, but they're all happy and healthy and small enough still that I can get away with it, though I'd like three of them that I specify to be moved to another 55 gallon (a little demanding, I know, but as I said, they're my babies)
    • one black moor (also my baby)
    • one regular dojo loach and two gold ones, one of which is a sweet little guy with a spinal deformity (genetic, not diseased... I've had him for a while) named Hugo to be a little more subtle than the typical Quasimodo... his gold buddy is, of course, named victor... typically, the gold dojos are rather sedate until feeding time or if it's going to rain and they generally keep to the bottom, but the regular dojo is very active and will always excitedly circle your fingers, brushing up against the unabashedly, and nibble you silly... he's a bit of a joker and loves to chase the goldies sometimes, which annoys them but doesn't really seem to stress them
    • several fathead minnows, male and female, who were originally bought from TFG as feeders when I had an SA leaf fish in the 29 gallon (since sold)... they've all been surprisingly uneaten and, though ugly, are very healthy, have made good dither fish and have exhibited surprising personality... still, I think rosey reds would be prettier
    • the goldies are all happy, friendly, fun and silly... expect a lot of goldie kisses... did I mention I love them? It might be hard to tell.
    • comes with a wooden stand (standard type, like the one for the 29 gallon)
    • has plenty of floating anacharis that everyone loves to snack on and is doing very well, though some of it has some black hair algae that I'll probably try to take care of once I post this... I do two 40% water changes every week and whoever takes this will get all my buckets if they need them... put a bunch more anacharis in there, though, and you'll probably do well with once a week... even less if you split the goldies with another 55 gallon
    • several nerites with plenty of green algae to eat... I don't clean it off the back because of the beneficial nature of it as well as providing food for the nerites, so there's quite a bit back there
    • plain gravel substrate, two decorative white and black rocks (one large and one small - both with spaces the fish like to swim through)... also some silly decorations that you still might want to keep around for accent until you have some more natural decor to replace them with
    • a large penguin filter and one of those dollar store ones that I have yet to get to work, but have taken another motor from a new one that actually doesn't need the impeller to be glued
    • I'm going to be annoying and say once more that these are my babies... if you're not going to love them as much as I do, don't bother
    • I made a video of them last night with my webcam and will post the link once I upload it to youtube

    Miscellaneous items
    • Aqueon Betta Food, Tetrafin, Tetramin, Tetramin Cichlid, Tetramin Pro, Hikari Algae Wafers, Hikari Frozen Bloodworms, and Hikari Frozen Daphnia
    • TetraAqua Blackwater Extract
    • parts of dead filters you might find use for
    • a complete API testing kit
    • several different sizes of nets, including a shrimp net
    • a long, plastic grabber
    • Nutrafin Water Conditioner and API Stress Coat
    • a little aquarium salt
    • maybe a few more silly decorations, if you like that sort of thing
    • two small Marina air pumps... the smallest model
    • two gravel vacs
    • a bottle of flourish
    • two bottles of Aquarisol
    • a jar of pH buffer that I don't suggest using
    • some clips for acclimating your bags
    • anti-parasitic pelleted food that fish seem to ignore and a lot of people have expressed the inefficiency of
    • an algae scrubber and one of those magnetic ones you can operate from outside the tank
    • plenty of surge protectors... probably enough for one per tank
    • a can of Hikari Tubifex worms that I can't get anyone but the goldies to eat, but I suspect that they could perhaps be made more appetizing somehow... been brainstorming on that and maybe someone here can suggest something
    • possibly more that I don't remember

    I hope you'll understand that I won't be sorry in the slightest if I'm able to completely retract the offers.
    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

  • #2
    are you serious .... all these for free ?


    • #3
      Thanks. All are accounted for. Once I have a definite idea of what's going to happen, you will all be informed personally as well as on this thread.
      Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

      You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


      • #4
        he hasnt decided to post a price yet i assume do to the fact that he doesnt know if he is going to beable to keep them or not.
        FRENCH FRY!!!

        55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


        • #5
          He hasn't posted a price because he posted in the "Free Stuff" forum.

          If I *do* have to get rid of them, I'm more interested in a good home than money. Charging anything would take longer to find takers and since I'm definitely waiting until the very last minute to decide to get rid of them, it'd be really uncomfortable to renege on a deal that involved an exchange of money.

          It's coming down to the wire, but I'm hoping I'll be back soon to say I'm keeping everything.
          Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

          You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


          • #6
            Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
            He hasn't posted a price because he posted in the "Free Stuff" forum.

            If I *do* have to get rid of them, I'm more interested in a good home than money. Charging anything would take longer to find takers and since I'm definitely waiting until the very last minute to decide to get rid of them, it'd be really uncomfortable to renege on a deal that involved an exchange of money.

            It's coming down to the wire, but I'm hoping I'll be back soon to say I'm keeping everything.

            that is awesome
            Tropheus Elitist Maximus
            150 Troph & Petro mix Link
            ** P.Trewavasae P.F.Chimba **
            ** T.Zongwe**

            150 Tropheus Moorii "Murago" Link


            • #7
     eeny and meeny.....


              • #8
                are you piecing this off? i dont imagine one person could take everything. ygpm if you do part


                • #9
                  Hope you hang in H town!

                  Trophs & Petros ONLY


                  • #10
                    Good luck and I hope you don't have to get rid of them. I appreciate the fact that there are a lot of things in life more important than money. Again we wish you the best and hope everythings works out so you can keep what obviously means a lot to you. I think I speak for most on this forum in these well wishes.
                    125g Community (Jack Dempsy, Electric Yellow, Jewel, Yellow Labs,
                    Electric Blues, Leporinus, Green Terror, Pike, Pseudos, Vieja Synspillum, Convict, Peacocks, and more
                    120g 12 Brundi Frontosa Colony
                    125g 7 Mpimbwe Frontosa Colony
                    50g 2 Flowerhorn;
                    10g couple grandkids goldfish


                    • #11
                      I really want FISH!....I have purchased new fish tank simply because i did not want to mix any other fish with my Piranhas (they are dangerous) but anyway, if you decide to give away consider a new member here...



                      • #12
                        i thought piranhas were illegal in texas?
                        Soon to have tanks up and going again!


                        • #13
                          Are they?, Didnt know about it, they were passed to be by a Granny!...

                          How Do I Get Rid OF?

                          thank you for heads UP!..I Just Googled and a BIG Yes Appeared!.



                          • #14
                            Last edited by aggrocichlidfan; 03-18-2010, 12:10 AM.
                            210 gallon ~ S/A, C/A build; jaguar, dovii, flowerhorn, gold doviI, 2 red devils, pacu, shovel nose cat
                            125 gallon long ~ African cichlids
                            10 gallon ~ ghost shrimp breeding (fish treats) haha


                            • #15
                              Let me think about it!...and ask around few people. Unless you want to TRADE!..


