So a little about myself... I have had an aquarium for at least 15 years but have more recently been 'moving up' in the hobby. Last September or so I bought some Pelvicachromis pulcher 'kribensis' fry from Krisvalkyrie(houstonfishbox). I of course started with the basics: guppies, mollies, tetras... and a plecostomus. I have had this fish longer than any other but now it is too big for my tank.
Anyone who wants it can have it. The picture below is not of the fish in question, rather a mere example photograph.
Really I would like to trade for a nice female molly or even better a male kribensis or maybe some plants.
Ultimately, I'd like to refurbish a vintage aquarium my great-grandmother had and buy the necessary filter, lights, etc to be able to breed kribensis and/or guppies.... but right now I'm a broke college student so....
If you don't have anything you want to trade that's fine too, just come get it!
I live in Katy.
Anyone who wants it can have it. The picture below is not of the fish in question, rather a mere example photograph.
Really I would like to trade for a nice female molly or even better a male kribensis or maybe some plants.
Ultimately, I'd like to refurbish a vintage aquarium my great-grandmother had and buy the necessary filter, lights, etc to be able to breed kribensis and/or guppies.... but right now I'm a broke college student so....
If you don't have anything you want to trade that's fine too, just come get it!
I live in Katy.