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Beginner with a 14g Biocube

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  • Beginner with a 14g Biocube

    I have just started into this hobby and and looking to get help getting started. I have gotten water from lfs if anyone out there can help me with coral and little bit of rock that would be much appericiated. Thank you in advance. Maybe even a small fish. Again thank you.

  • #2
    Congrats on your new tank! I'm kind of new to this as well. I started a Biocube 29 gallon in January and just added my first fish last week. There are some great resources out there, and you can spend days going through it all. I would suggest that you check out and you will find several people with your exact setup.

    Just one word of advice, I would hold off on putting that fish in just yet.... Get your live rock and sand in there first (maybe one small fresh dead shrimp from grocery store).... Give it a few weeks and check your water parameters before adding that fish....

    Good Luck!


    • #3
      Thank you for the advise. I was fortunate enough to find a great individual here on the forum who was able to help me out to a GREAT START thanx JACOB!!! As of right now i has 20lbs of live sand and about 25lbs of live rock and the water is from LFS so it has cycled already.


      • #4
        Only disaster happens fast in this hobby. Take it slow and easy.


        • #5
          Thank u. Will do.

