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looking for a home

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  • looking for a home

    hey guys i just came back from galveston and i got a cool looking fish and some other thing that moves really wierd the fish i think is an anglerfish i dont have a saltwater tank anymore so if anybody wants them they can have them


  • #2
    It looks like you have a sargassum angler and possibly a sargassum nudibranch. I wish I could come get these for my tank at school but I have baseball tomorrow and Tuesday. Where did you get them if you don't mind me asking.


    • #3
      Originally posted by kirksey05 View Post
      It looks like you have a sargassum angler and possibly a sargassum nudibranch. I wish I could come get these for my tank at school but I have baseball tomorrow and Tuesday. Where did you get them if you don't mind me asking.
      i got them at san luis pass under the bridge


      • #4
        Originally posted by kirksey05 View Post
        It looks like you have a sargassum angler and possibly a sargassum nudibranch. Where did you get them if you don't mind me asking.
        25g - Reef
        3.5g - Surge Tank
        10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


        • #5
          Originally posted by kirksey05 View Post
          It looks like you have a sargassum angler and possibly a sargassum nudibranch. I wish I could come get these for my tank at school but I have baseball tomorrow and Tuesday. Where did you get them if you don't mind me asking.

          Great call.


          • #6
            Yes sargassum anglers require live food.

            It's debatable, but some thing that the sargassum nudi actually require sargassum to survive. It's thought that they actually eat the sargassum, which is what gives them their color.

            Awesome finds, If my tanks weren't already planned out, I would totally take them.
            75 planted (Being Renovated)
            lots of nanos


            • #7
              i want it


              • #8
                Hey i was in galveston this past weekend too, the sargassum seaweed was all over the place!!!!! i can confirm that those are sargassum anglers because i found TWO of those exact same fish this weekend!!!! they are now in my 72 fowlr and doing great! i absolutely adore them, and i think there a mated pair!!!! i also saw the nudibranchs while i was there but was nervous about their special needs so left them in the ocean. looks like there were many anglers awashed this past weekend!!!!
                congrats to both of us on our fabulous finds, i wish you the best of luck in finding them a good home.
                while im on this thread---does anyone have suggestions for feeding the anglers?!! im going to try live ghost shrimp with them on thursday..


                • #9
                  If you still have the angler Thursday I'll stop by and pick it up.
                  75 planted (Being Renovated)
                  lots of nanos


                  • #10
                    Huge thanks on all the livestock. They are in QT right now and looking great.

                    This guy is going to look great.

                    Compare him to the one seen on Live Aquaria... and I think we can see who got the better fish.

                    GOM >>> Indian Ocean lol

                    The nudi found his way to some sargassum I picked up. He blends right in.

                    Shrimp too.

                    2 of the shrimp are major berried. Maybe more Sargassum shrimp on the way?! And yes they are their own species, not just pretty ghost shrimp. :)

                    One of the mama shrimp was hungry, and quickly picked off a LIVE fish swimming around the tank.
                    Last edited by Sea-agg09; 04-07-2011, 09:10 PM.
                    75 planted (Being Renovated)
                    lots of nanos


                    • #11
                      im glad they made it ok and they got a new home i might be goin out to galveston maybe next week and i like looking for any cool looking fish if i find something cool i got ur number i can txt u if u want it


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by fishlvr10 View Post
                        while im on this thread---does anyone have suggestions for feeding the anglers?!! im going to try live ghost shrimp with them on thursday..
                        Ghost shrimp are the easiest. Feed them spirilina algae wafers to bring out their color, then feed them to the fish. Small fish like mosquito fish also work. They will live long enough in saltwater to be decent food.

                        It will be interesting to see if feeding them clear food will make them bleach a bit, if eating all the tan colored sargassum shrimp makes them darker.
                        75 planted (Being Renovated)
                        lots of nanos


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daddy View Post
                          im glad they made it ok and they got a new home i might be goin out to galveston maybe next week and i like looking for any cool looking fish if i find something cool i got ur number i can txt u if u want it

                          Sargassum pipefish are totally awesome.... lol
                          75 planted (Being Renovated)
                          lots of nanos


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the feedng tips! After hours of patience, I have transferred them from eating live ghost shrimp to accepting dried krill. Victory! They are such beauties! I'm amazed at their adaptablility and I'm considering getting them their own tank just to be able to enjoy them more!

