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Wanted - stuff for standard 10 gallon tank

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  • Wanted - stuff for standard 10 gallon tank

    Hey, if anyone can help me out it'd be appreciated

    I quite foolishly cracked my wife goldfish tank in a smaller water change 'incident'...i had to move them to a ten gallon we had sitting under the sink...they probably enjoy the space, but it's a botched job, we're so poor right now! the ten gallon tank is running a 2.5 gallon filter from the goldfish bowl, and the light is being provided by an irish-engineered lamp-balanced-on-a-box deal. can anybody find it in their heart to help us out? maybe if youve just got a cheap, old filter sitting in your garage, or a canopy with a busted bulb....anything that'd make holly and molly's home a little more livable would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you

  • #2
    Hi this is Tran with Fish Ranch located at 6734 Larkwood. You can come by and I will donate you my use filter or other item you need to keep your fish alive.


    • #3
      Originally posted by FishRancher View Post
      Hi this is Tran with Fish Ranch located at 6734 Larkwood. You can come by and I will donate you my use filter or other item you need to keep your fish alive.
      <br />
      <br />
      Hey thanks tran! Appreciate anything you can do for us, are you open Sundays? I'm guessing your closed labour day? Ill try to get hooked up with you asap


      • #4
        I've got a hood and lights... 77042 a couple of blocks off Westheimer. It's free if you want it, just pay it forward. :)
        Last edited by showcase; 09-04-2011, 06:00 PM.


        • #5
          YES YES YES! tran gave me pretty much evverything but a light that is just too damned perfect! thank you so much! Holly and Molly would thank you themselves, know, they're fish....
          Thank you so much! we're in bellaire so it doesnt sound like we're too far away, i'll pm you


          • #6
            With everybody on here being so generous, this little disaster has turned into a dream for the fish! they got a bigger apartment! thank you all so much for all your help, i promise ill pass it forward, thank you all sooo much


            • #7
              :) This is awesome.
              All bleeding stops eventually...


              • #8
                PM sent... PM me your number to make it easier to communicate.


                • #9
                  You can pick it up tonight. I can hold it for you but it might be hard to catch me schedule wise this week. I don't mind if you drop by late.


                  • #10
                    Just wanted to say thank you again to everybody who helped me out, if theres anything we can do in the future to pay it back then don't hesistate to drop us a line, if not, it'll be paid forward!
                    thank you all again, so much

