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Free Wild Caught Texas Cichlid Juvies

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  • #16
    I see wildcaught texas cichlids and others that fall in that category for sale all the time...

    collected from local waterways is probably a better term for this subject.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #17
      Yeah, I guess that's what I meant, I mean if I catch one personally, not if it's like imported or whatever. But I assumed those people had to have some kind of licenses.


      • #18
        Originally posted by TheLorax View Post

        ...Whoa, why does it say "What is this...FISH you speak of?" under my avatar, I never wrote that
        Your title changes with post count.
        ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


        • #19
          Well some one has already claimed them but i can easily get more and i can even work on getting a permit to sell wild caught fish.
          Also TheLorax I dont know if the place i go fishing has any longear sunfish but i can keep an eye out for them.
          There is a "bag limit" but its only saying you can have no more than 6 of the same wild caught species in your home, but if those 6 fish bred the fry would not count in the count and might be able to be sold since they were bred in the aquarium. I am no expert on these laws i only repeating what i have read on the Texas parks and wildlife department website. One more thing they were caught at an average 3-4" but there are larger ones there. For pics txt me at 281-543-0268
          Last edited by Numero111; 08-02-2012, 01:22 PM.

          30 gallon
          : 15 lambchop rasbora , apistogramma cacatuoides (orange) pair, pearl guorami, sterbai cory cat, siamese algae eater, ottos, bristlenose pleco, snails, and lots of plants.


          • #20
            Thanks for offering these up. I did read more about the laws today and I was wrong about what I thought the law stated.

            200 - African cichlids
            72 - Salty Bow Front
            33 Cube - community
            10's - Freshwater Shrimp

