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Needed: Canister Filter

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  • Needed: Canister Filter

    I was given a bow-front tank [supposedly 40 gallons] with 15+ yellow Labs ranging in size from 5" down to 1/4", 2 Corie cats and a plethora of MTS yesterday from a sweet old person in Alvin who said they were getting too old to take care of it. There was a crap-load of horn-wort and duckweed. I tossed the horn-wort, mainly because I have enough already and it was in bad shape.

    The tanks has two underpowered HOB Filters, that already completely clogged just overnight. I did a 95% water change already on the tank. But it is still in really bad shape. It needs a better filter. Here, take a look:


    I was wondering if anyone has an extra Canister filter and filter-floss laying around they wouldn't mind parting with that I could throw on here to help get things to where they should be.


  • #2
    Thats a nice freebee.
    Looks like its cycling. with the water change it should clear up in a couple days. A canister is always better but there are HOBs that will handle that tank.
    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


    • #3
      I have a canister and a HOB for sale here. Either one would be fairly enough for the 40gal. Prices are OBO as long as they're reasonable offers.


      • #4
        i would suggest taking the plants out and clean the tank. I would start over but leave the media in the filters, this tank has a serious algae bloom
        175 tropheus Chaitika
        125 tropheus Ujiji
        90 tropheus Nkonde


        • #5
          Originally posted by New_Cichlid11 View Post
          i would suggest taking the plants out and clean the tank. I would start over but leave the media in the filters, this tank has a serious algae bloom
          just wondering.... why would you remove the plants as they also filter and remove the nitrates from the water and they aren't the source of this bacteria bloom


          • #6
            Originally posted by Victorp View Post
            just wondering.... why would you remove the plants as they also filter and remove the nitrates from the water and they aren't the source of this bacteria bloom
            I never said to remove i said to take them out and clean the tank, i personally would remove them bc i dont believe that they do a good job at removing nitrates unless its heavily planted.. What removes the nitrate/nitrites is a carbon bottle
            175 tropheus Chaitika
            125 tropheus Ujiji
            90 tropheus Nkonde


            • #7
              Nope. No free canister but if I find one I will be sure to PM you...

              Trophs & Petros ONLY


              • #8
                Originally posted by New_Cichlid11 View Post
                i would suggest taking the plants out and clean the tank. I would start over but leave the media in the filters, this tank has a serious algae bloom
                I highly recommend to not take out the plants. Instead, reduce your photoperiod, and if you are feeding the tank, greatly reduce the amount you feed to about 3-4 days at minimal amounts until the algae is gone. Fish can survive longer than weeks without eating. The main reason for your algae is most likely the length of your photoperiod or the amount of waste (fish poo, fish food, etc.) in the tank. If you were to keep the two filters on the tank, take one and do a deep clean on it and a 50%-75% water change with dechlorinator. It is VERY important to leave the other filter alone. Deep cleaning both filters may cause your tank to re-cycle. Your plants will be fine, but the fish may die or become overly stressed if the tank were to re-cycle. After about a week, do a deep clean on the other filter.

                The cleaning will only help keep the water quality high, not remove algae. Reducing waste (by reducing how much is fed) and reducing light will kill off the algae or at least kill some of it. If you really want to get rid of all of it, add a lot more plants. Focus on nitrate sinks, such as hornwort, floaters, or mosses, since the algae is feeding off the excess nitrates. Adding the nitrate sinks (plants) will choke out the algae for nutrients. Another alternative is dosing Excel. I don't like recommending it because it could kill fauna and melt flora, but if you slowly acclimate the fauna and flora to small dosages of it, it will kill the algae. CO2 is another alternative, but again, the consequences are the same as Excel.

                With that being said, I have tons of floaters you could have for free. Hornwort (my favorite nitrate sink) could be collected locally in any ditch or body of water. If you do collect Hornwort, I would dip it in a bleach:water solution of 1:20 for about a second or two. This will kill off any hitchhikers or possible parasites, etc. After dipping in the solution, place it in a container of water and dechlorinator. Give it a swish and then you're ready to toss it in your tank.


                • #9
                  I helped one of my friends replace their 90 gallon tank, as payment they gave me the 90 gallon with a filter! =D The labs have been moved into it. One of the females is now holding as well. =D

                  Thanks for the offer of horn-wort But I have plenty in my other tanks and also in the 90 gallon. =D

                  Thanks for all the advice and help guys! ^.^V

                  I took these pictures right after transfering them all, by hand by the way. I've only a 2" fish net. it wasn't big enough for many of these guys.


                  If you want to see more pictures of them you can check them out here.

                  Thank you all once again! =D


                  • #10
                    If you ever want to get rid of some of the Lab females, id love a couple more!
                    90 gallon reef: Softies, LPS, Shrooms, Gobies, Mandarin Goby, Sailfin, Hippo, damsels, Clowns
                    55 Gallon: Yellow Lab, Electric Blue, Albino Zebra, Yellow tail Acei, Cobalt Blue
                    40 Gallon: Demasoni Breeding Colony
                    30 Gallon: Grow out fry tank
                    10 Gallon: Fry Tank


                    • #11
                      Pm sent for canister filter


                      • #12
                        Can I meet your friends? I woul like a free tank


                        • #13
                          Re: Needed: Canister Filter

                          Doesn't even look like the same tank anymore. Good job with the algae

                          Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                          • #14
                            Re: Needed: Canister Filter

                            Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                            Doesn't even look like the same tank anymore. Good job with the algae

                            Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
                            That's because it's not the same tank Steven... SMDH


                            • #15
                              Re: Needed: Canister Filter

                              Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                              That's because it's not the same tank Steven... SMDH
                              damn it's been a long day.

                              Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.

