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Setting up a classroom tank

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  • Setting up a classroom tank

    I'm a 1st grade teacher in katy and will be setting up a 7 gallon tank in my class room. We will be using the tank to learn about fish, shrimp, plant life cycles as well as parts of a plant, and hopefully make some new fish hobbiests.

    Someone has already generously donated the tank so now I am looking for planted or shrimp soil, an led light that can grow and maintain the plants, maybe some rock or dw decor, as well as filtration. Most likely a sponge filter. Not sure if I would need a heater or not.

    My plan so far is to put some cherry shrimp, a few corys, and maybe some smaller tetras. I have some moss already but am unsure of what plants to add in such a small aquarium.

    Any help, suggestions, and donations would be greatly appreciated. The kids are extremely excited and ask daily about it. Pictures will be posted as soon as evrything is up and running.

  • #2
    If you need a heater i can take care of that.


    • #3
      Would you like mystery snails ?


      • #4
        Ya sure. Still waiting for filtration to come in the mail. Where are you located


        • #5
          I've got some slate rocks you could break up and use for aquascaping and can donate some java fern plants.


          • #6
            Thank you for the offer. Biggest problem I'm running into is location of people. No one seems to be close to katy


            • #7
              I will have plenty of plants for you once you are setup and running... I am in Katy as well


              • #8
                Thanks Roshan. I'm looking to set the tank up Monday. Can get some plants this weekend from you


                • #9
                  Last thing I'm in need of is some driftwood for it


                  • #10
                    Was looking for something branchy

