I teach Aquatic Science at Spring Woods High School and we are a poverty school (85% free and reduced lunch). I have 5 classes of Aquatic Science and each class has 6-8 29/30 gal aquariums where the kids learn about setting up and maintaining a fish tank all year. We currently have 7 saltwater tanks and 26 freshwater tanks were I provide everything except the fish and the fish food, which is responsibility of the students.
Most of our tanks have very few fish due to lack of student funds (mostly) or some fish deaths. If someone has some fish they are willing to donate to the class (tax receipt if wanted) we could use some extra fish.
I am happy to post a video of the tanks in the classroom and send pictures of the 33 tanks to anyone who wants to check us out.
We currently have seven saltwater tanks (fish and inverts needed), one cichlid tank with 2 fish, two tanks with a few angelfish, 2 goldfish tanks (feeder goldfish) and the remaining 21 are community tanks with misc mollies, platys and tetras.
We also take donations of filters, pumps, decorations, gravel, We could also use any API water quality test kit test tubes (we break a lot) and extra testing cards (they get wet a lot).
Most of our tanks have very few fish due to lack of student funds (mostly) or some fish deaths. If someone has some fish they are willing to donate to the class (tax receipt if wanted) we could use some extra fish.
I am happy to post a video of the tanks in the classroom and send pictures of the 33 tanks to anyone who wants to check us out.
We currently have seven saltwater tanks (fish and inverts needed), one cichlid tank with 2 fish, two tanks with a few angelfish, 2 goldfish tanks (feeder goldfish) and the remaining 21 are community tanks with misc mollies, platys and tetras.
We also take donations of filters, pumps, decorations, gravel, We could also use any API water quality test kit test tubes (we break a lot) and extra testing cards (they get wet a lot).