So my girlfriend bought me a turtle and tiny tank a little over a year ago. since then I've upgraded to a 10G tank and added a few fish friends and live plants for him, but I never got the heat lamp or UVB till just recently. I bought a Turtle Topper tank attachment so my little guy could have a nice dry habitat to dig in and bask, although I found out that this Musk (probably) turtle just doesn't get out of the water much which is why, over time, my tank got fuller and fuller with water cause I noticed he loves the water. well the Turtle Topper just barely fits on the 10G as long as I don't assemble a in-water attachment. also it seems I may have a leak from cleaning it last night. so long story short, I need a larger tank more than 10G, but less than 40G or more specifically, a front to back length of 11" or more. does anyone have an extra sitting in their garage maybe?
as a side note, is anyone here good at identifying turtles? I can post a pic if so
as a side note, is anyone here good at identifying turtles? I can post a pic if so