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Group order from Tropical Fish Distributor

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  • #16
    If you guys do this, let me know when. If it's after the first of next month, I'd like in on it.
    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


    • #17
      Originally posted by super-red-arowana View Post
      Gapzero and I estimated our order around $150 already. So, minimum order of $200 is not a problem with the group order.
      What are you guys getting?
      Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
      Also follow us on Facebook and APC


      • #18
        Originally posted by Somefishguy View Post
        any word on the shipping yet? Also when were you looking to place the order?
        I PMed Gapzero and he said he already sent the email to TFD and waiting for their answers.
        -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

        -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Roujin View Post
          What are you guys getting?
          I would like to get some Corydoras (5 sterbai, 5 haraldschultzi...), 2-3 L018 pleco and Gapzero wants some Corydoras. But that is just for now.
          -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

          -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


          • #20
            Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
            If you guys do this, let me know when. If it's after the first of next month, I'd like in on it.
            We would like to place an order asap . What do you have on mind?
            -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

            -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


            • #21
              i dont have anything in particular i want, but it is gonna depend on how much shipping is whether i order or not. Im looking to spend 10-20 worth of fish


              • #22
                Originally posted by Somefishguy View Post
                i dont have anything in particular i want, but it is gonna depend on how much shipping is whether i order or not. Im looking to spend 10-20 worth of fish
                We are waiting on the answers for the shipping. Hopefully, free shipping .
                -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by super-red-arowana View Post
                  We would like to place an order asap . What do you have on mind?
                  Black oranda, panda oranda, four corys (I want them small, other than that, I'm not sure which to get... still researching), two or five (depending on if I can pick gender) Boesemanis and possibly a weather dojo. Will the regular ones hang with the gold ones?
                  Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                  You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                  • #24
                    I was looking at their list and said, "what the heck is a 'mixed fruit tetra'?" Then I looked it up.

                    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                    • #25
                      do they have nandopsis hatiensis? Do they have parachromis dovii? If so i would be willing to order a bit myself as well as my dad. I am sure between the two of us we would add at least 100$ to your order.
                      Got Dovii??? I do!!!


                      • #26
                        take look at the site in the first post, they have what they have in stock listed


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by oneoffcustom View Post
                          do they have nandopsis hatiensis? Do they have parachromis dovii? If so i would be willing to order a bit myself as well as my dad. I am sure between the two of us we would add at least 100$ to your order.
                          They updated their stocklist daily. I don't know what are their availabilities. But I know what I want .
                          -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                          -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                          • #28
                            I wish I saw cardinals in their list.
                            Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                            You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                            • #29
                              they have neons... very similar but smaller


                              • #30
                                They only look similar. And as far as that goes, the neons are nowhere near as brilliant that I've seen.
                                Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                                You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

