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Group order from Tropical Fish Distributor

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  • #46
    Please pardon my ignorance. I'm a complete newbie to group orders, and also new to these forums. I'm interested in participating, because I see some things on their list that interest me, I just need to know the cutoff time and maybe a bit more about how this works.

    You can PM me if that's convenient, and I can give you a phone number to speed things up, because I realize that time is running short.


    210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
    135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
    125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
    90G star sapphire
    75G buccochromis rhoadesii
    55G ?
    30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry


    • #47
      By the way, I just called them with a couple of questions. Those corys I was asking about are (thankfully) not painted. You can specify gender if they can tell or you can tell them how. They want us to order items using the item number on their price sheet (you probably already knew that). Aaaaaaaaaaaaand... they are supposed to get cardinal tetras on Monday, though they don't know if they're tank bred or wild caught. So my question is this: could the order be made the day after we get together so that if they do get the cardinals, they could be added to the order? They'll be a dollar each and she gave me the item code for them.
      Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

      You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


      • #48
        Originally posted by sountfc View Post
        Please pardon my ignorance. I'm a complete newbie to group orders, and also new to these forums. I'm interested in participating, because I see some things on their list that interest me, I just need to know the cutoff time and maybe a bit more about how this works.

        You can PM me if that's convenient, and I can give you a phone number to speed things up, because I realize that time is running short.


        Welcome Eric. Pm sent.
        -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

        -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


        • #49
          I've gone through their list and I think I'm pretty set on knowing what I want. Sunday is fine, if need be. Just let me know for sure the date and time.
          210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
          135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
          125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
          90G star sapphire
          75G buccochromis rhoadesii
          55G ?
          30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry


          • #50
            Originally posted by super-red-arowana View Post
            Let's pick a place and time for the meeting. How about this Sunday at 1:00 pm in the Houston Public Library at Downtown. When we walk inside the door, to your left when you walk pass the "check-out" counter, there are chairs where we can gather together.
            So this is now set in stone or what?
            Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

            You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


            • #51
              Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
              So this is now set in stone or what?
              Do you have any other suggestion ? I'll send you PM with my cell phone.
              -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

              -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


              • #52
                Originally posted by super-red-arowana View Post
                Ok. Sunday at 1:00 pm in the Houston Public Library at Downtown. When we walk inside the door, to your left when you walk pass the "check-out" counter, there are chairs where we can gather together.

                The next step is making a list of who's in and who's out.
                If nobody has an objection to my suggestion, then the meeting is tomorrow at 1:00pm at Houston Public Library Downtown.

                -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                • #53
                  It was nice to meet you all, Eric, Coz, Rob. Thanks for trusting me with your money and orders. Your orders (excluding me) already exceeded the minimium limit of the TFD. I'll wrie up the order and send to the TFD tonight. This is the last call for anybody, who want to order from TFD. If anyone still want to joint us, PM me before 11:00 pm tonight. Thanks
                  -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                  -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                  • #54
                    Thanks to you, too, man.
                    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                    • #55
                      Nice to meet everyone as well. Thanks Le for placing the order. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some jurupari!
                      210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
                      135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
                      125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
                      90G star sapphire
                      75G buccochromis rhoadesii
                      55G ?
                      30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry


                      • #56
                        Hi Eric, Rob, and Coz,

                        I have ordered. Check yours email for the tracking order.
                        -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                        -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                        • #57
                          So, are you expecting delivery this evening?
                          210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
                          135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
                          125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
                          90G star sapphire
                          75G buccochromis rhoadesii
                          55G ?
                          30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry


                          • #58
                            Hi Coz, Eric, and Rob,

                            The cargo arrived at 10:30 am. I'll pick them up. Call me.
                            -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                            -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                            • #59
                              Hi Coz, Rob

                              I got the cargo. Call me to schedule pick up. Thanks
                              -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                              -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                              • #60
                                Here is my postmortem. I'm curious to see how everyone else fared. I know that there were a LOT of dead cardinal tetras, unfortunately.

                                I had one casualty, which out of 16 ordered wasn't too bad considering what else I saw.

                                However, out of the 12 Malawi haps that I ordered, not a single one was the advertised 2" size. In fact, almost every one of them was one inch. But I will say that the rostratus that I got, even at one inch, are absolutely stunning.

                                One of my other haps has a malformed spine and obviously has not been eating. I can't believe they included that.

                                The geophagus I ordered were advertised at 2.5". Total joke! They're barely one inch, although they do appear to be healthy.

                                The other thing I'll say is that not five minutes after they were in the tank, the haps were eating heartily.

                                So overall my experience was positive, but it would appear that what they're shipping in terms of size is not what's being advertised. That being said, the Malawis that I got were all very healthy.

                                I'll be calling them tomorrow to mention the one malformed fish and the size issue.

                                What about the rest of you?
                                210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
                                135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
                                125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
                                90G star sapphire
                                75G buccochromis rhoadesii
                                55G ?
                                30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry

