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Group order from Tropical Fish Distributor

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  • #31
    Whoever's contacting them, could you ask two questions?

    1. Can you specify gender when ordering Boesemani rainbows? (If it helps, I'll be asking for more females than males.)
    2. The longfin green cory (aeneus)... is it a naturally colored green or is it painted?

    The total of what I want aside from those items is $21. If I can specify the gender of the Boesemanis, it will add $15, otherwise it will add $6. If the answer to question two is that it's the natural color, it will add another $6, otherwise it will add nothing at all.

    The most I would have to come up with aside from my part in shipping, if any, would be $42. I'll see what I can do, but I'd like to know what's up with shipping as soon as possible. As well as, of course, the date the purchase will be made.
    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


    • #32
      C. aeneus is often called the Green cory or the Bronze cory, and it seems other species listed by their somewhat scientific names on the list have common names following in parentheses, like the "Skunk" cory.

      But yes, it would still be good to make sure they've not been altered in any way (besides the longfin-ness, anyways).
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #33
        Ah. I saw "bronze" on a couple of websites with no mention of green but one mention of these fish sometimes being painted.

        Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

        You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


        • #34
          Ok I spoke to Karen , the owner, she is going to work on a shipping deal for us. It will ship to hobby, on southwest airlines, so should not cost anything.
          Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
          Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


          • #35
            Cool!!!! Let's get the order ready.
            -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

            -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


            • #36
              Pending on what happens with the shipping, then there a a few of you guys looking for low light plants.... This would be a good time to pick some up at a cheaper price.

              I got me tentative list of what i will want, just waiting on conformation if shipping will be free.

              Also who will we be paying, in what method, and when do we need to pay?


              • #37
                I think we could pick a time and place to get together and we can decide what we want, and make the order. We just have to figure out when everyone is available.
                Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
                Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


                • #38
                  I have a suggestion. We can have a metting in the Houston Public Library in Downtown this saturday or sunday, you ladies/gentlemen pick a time. Bring your order list and cash to pay for whoever made the order. We can use the library internet to place an order and everyone should have the confirmation numbers and tracking numbers, so everybody can track the order. If anybody have another suggestion, I'm open.
                  -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                  -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                  • #39
                    My sister has her quincenera Saturday so I can make it then, but Sunday should be fine with me anytime. I could also pay through paypal if needed.

                    Just waiting on conformation on the shipping... If it is free then it is defiantly a go for me for about 20$ worth of stuff


                    • #40
                      Happy birthday and χρόνια πολά to sisterofsomefishguy.

                      Sunday does indeed sound good to me.
                      Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                      You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                      • #41
                        overnight from cleveland to houston is going to be 72 for two boxes of fish. Not a discount at all in my opinion. But basically if everyone still wants to order, add about 5 bucks for shipping.
                        Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
                        Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


                        • #42
                          Considering the prices on the goods, if they're quality, five bucks isn't much at all for shipping.
                          Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                          You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                          • #43
                            im ok with it, hell for the fish I am getting I will throw in ten for shipping.
                            Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
                            Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate


                            • #44
                              Ok. I can throw in ten for the shipping too. Let's pick a place and time for the meeting. How about this Sunday at 1:00 pm in the Houston Public Library at Downtown. When we walk inside the door, to your left when you walk pass the "check-out" counter, there are chairs where we can gather together.

                              The next step is making a list of who's in and who's out.
                              -125 gallons: 1 SR Arowana, 1 red tail giant gouramy, 1 Giraffe Catfish.

                              -55 gallons: 18 clown loaches, 28 corydoras, 2 golden algae eaters, 3 moonlight gouramies, 6 tiger barbs.


                              • #45
                                I be in.
                                Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                                You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

