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  • #16
    Yeah, it's here.

    I got it sent to my house.

    I'll have it tomorrow night.

    I can drop off or you can pick up. Its whatever. Let me know.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #17
      U gonna bring it to the apt tonight?? If so i can pick up then


      • #18
        Yeah, I'll have it tonight.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #19
          Thai your coralrx just shipped.

          Should be here tues or wed

          How's the ro/di working so far?


          • #20
            lol, don't know.

            Don't have it hooked up yet.

            It still at my house.

            I'm picking it up tonight.
            Last edited by myjohnson; 12-05-2010, 02:49 PM. Reason: sp
            I ate my fish that died.


            • #21
    's that last chamber looking on yours? (the one by itself with the tds meter)
              i hooked it up just now, everything seems good...the tds meter first read the inlet 38, and after like 15 mins of drop to about 14 now...i think eventually it will get to 0 or lower? the outlet its just a flat 0 it should be good..
              and also the last chamber, so the water is not suppose to fill all the way like the first 3 chambers right?
              mine is not filled all the way, with only about 1 in or so on the bottom submerged into the water...
              the pressure meter shows about 4-5...


              • #22
                Tds is high when you start because not enough pressure behind the ro membrane. It's called tds creep. It's normal.

                8-14 tds before di is normal for Houston. Should be 0 tds after di though. Water pressure should be at least 50psi

                Last chamber is di. It's normal for it not to fill up all the way.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by madugo View Post
        's that last chamber looking on yours? (the one by itself with the tds meter)

                  That last chamber is the DI filter. I mounted the first three but I didn't mount the last one so I can move it around. My last blue out put line is too short to run to the tub right now. I'll mount it once I get some longer lines.

                  i hooked it up just now, everything seems good...the tds meter first read the inlet 38, and after like 15 mins of drop to about 14 now...i think eventually it will get to 0 or lower? the outlet its just a flat 0 it should be good..

                  Mine did the same thing. I let it run almost 30 mins just to get is primed and all the pressure right. Most important thing is to have 0 TDS coming out. Right now in input is 5ppm.

                  and also the last chamber, so the water is not suppose to fill all the way like the first 3 chambers right?

                  Not sure if everyone's the same. Like Soy said, sometimes his don't full up all the time. When I first primed the unit I waited until the DI unit filled up all the way so mine runs full.

                  mine is not filled all the way, with only about 1 in or so on the bottom submerged into the water...
                  the pressure meter shows about 4-5...
                  Pressure might be too low. 4-5 what? Are you referring to the number under the line on the pressure meter?

                  My reads 45-46 psi.

                  What does the upper number say on the pressure meter?

                  You running water full blast?
                  I ate my fish that died.


                  • #24
           if the upper number...its pointing to 58-60 psi..its normal right??
                    so the only thing is the di meter the water fills pretty low...
                    but seems like it should be ok...the tds shows on the meter is 0, also i tested it with another tds meter it always says 0...
                    so everything is good right?


                    • #25

                      Every things fine as long as the meter showing outgoing water is 0.

                      My psi is lower than yours most likely because I installed it in my bathroom.

                      Plus, the water pressure at this apartment seems lower than my last one.

                      It's normal to have more water coming out of the waste line then the RODI line.
                      I ate my fish that died.


                      • #26
                        thai you dip came in.

                        brian, i think i ordered the wrong mesh socks. let me double check the order

