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Soymilk's group buy 2.0

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  • #16
    Time to go grabbing with a piece of shrimp on a fishing line. Put it in a net and put it in the tank at night. Check on it after a bit and the crab should be on the net. Scoop him out. Done deal. I'll put the order in for two lettuce slugs. Did you wanna mix it up with sea hares or just lettuce slugs?

    Imma do a smaller cuc order in the meantime too. Let me know what y'all need. I'll try to work out a deal with John Maloney over at reef cleaners.

    Dead line for stuff is wed night. Shipped Thurs and here friday. Let me know guys.


    • #17
      Trung get me whatever I need to get rid of this algae. Driving me crazy.


      • #18
        Originally posted by ssrprelude View Post
        Trung get me whatever I need to get rid of this algae. Driving me crazy.
        What kind of algae do you have Jim?


        • #19
          Every kind there is man. It's getting bad.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ssrprelude View Post
            Trung get me whatever I need to get rid of this algae. Driving me crazy.
            Stop feeding your corals foo.
            I ate my fish that died.


            • #21
              what happend in Dallas? Only thing i know is i'll be there in 2 weeks... GO PACKERS!!!


              • #22
                Originally posted by mgarrido View Post
                what happend in Dallas? Only thing i know is i'll be there in 2 weeks... GO PACKERS!!!
                I want to know too. Do we need to set up a road trip?
                Fishtafarian- Fish are more than just a hobby, they are an obsession.

                110 gal Tall (Angel Community)
                29 gal (Planted Puffer)
                10 gal (snails and small planted)
                5 gal Hex (shrimp)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
                  Stop feeding your corals foo.
                  +1, also:
                  1. Reduce your ligths time
                  2. Ttry with mexican turbo snails
                  3. Check your phosphate leves and add a phosban reactor


                  • #24
                    I sent you the CUC order. I am ready foo. Next Wave event is in Dallas at the end of Feb
                    Resident fish bum
                    330G FOWLR
                    34G Reef
                    330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                    28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                    Treasurer, GHAC


                    • #25
                      Remember to buy tickets ahead of time guys

                      15 dollars for frag farmers market
                      25 dollars for speakers + market
                      +5 for quiznos sandmich

                      I'm might wanna hear what some of the speakers are talking about. I need to order some dslr batteries.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by soymilk View Post
                        Time to go grabbing with a piece of shrimp on a fishing line. Put it in a net and put it in the tank at night. Check on it after a bit and the crab should be on the net. Scoop him out. Done deal. I'll put the order in for two lettuce slugs. Did you wanna mix it up with sea hares or just lettuce slugs?

                        Imma do a smaller cuc order in the meantime too. Let me know what y'all need. I'll try to work out a deal with John Maloney over at reef cleaners.

                        Dead line for stuff is wed night. Shipped Thurs and here friday. Let me know guys.
                        aiight..i m gonna try that...
                        get me 1 lettuce and 1 sea hare if they have both...
                        if not 2 lettuce will be fine...


                        • #27
                          Ok guys..... Imma try to organize some serious group buys for Dallas. I read on the Dallas reef forums, that it would be a good idea to talk and check out the vendors ensures first. We can also request something, not to mention we could "preorder" things.

                          Imma make a new thread for the next wave coral buys, but in the mean time, message me what kinda corals you're looming for and how much you wanna allot for it. Hopefully we can get enough money together to wager some deals. So let me know what's up. I'm in for 500 maybe more maybe less. Depends on if I get a new camera and if my girlfriend gonna rob my *** for valentines.


                          • #28
                            Is LA a sponsor on there? I'm assuming no....

                            I want a red/blue rhizo from cherry coral.
                            I ate my fish that died.


                            • #29
                              cherry coral is gonna be there.... i started up a next wave dallas thread.

                              LA group buy still on... let me know guys.


                              • #30
                                We got any takers in this?
                                I ate my fish that died.

