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Soymilk's group buy 2.0

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  • #91
    Can I be cheap and get free stuff?
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #92
      I would like some more of the followings if you haven't place the order yet.

      Scroll ALgae
      Red Titan


      • #93
        how many did you want? let me know and i'll pm you a price.


        • #94
          Ill get 2 of each. LMK


          • #95
            Are we still doing group buy on coral or cleaning crew? Please let me know, I'm interested

            I want this from cherry coral
            We specialize in growing aquacultured corals for reef aquariums. At our farm we grow hundreds of different types of corals. Aquacultured corals are affordable, colorful, hardy, and pest free. Updates occur several times a week with WYSIWYG photos! We are expert shippers with over 20 years experience!


            • #96
              tell me what you want in the cuc group buy. I'll shoot you a pm for price. As for cherry corals.... the group but is cancelled for the time being. But we are going to dallas, so one of use could pick it up for you if you didn't want to pay shipping.

              Deadline for cuc group buy is superbowl sunday.


              • #97
                hey huy,

                i emailed him about adding that to the order. I can't recieved the new total yet. So i'll let you know. It'll be cheaper than the list price on the website, but i dunno how much more.


                • #98
                  I want

                  30 Dwarf Cerith
                  10 Florida Cerith
                  10 Limpets
                  10 Nassarius
                  1 Hawk Wing Conch
                  1 Cheato
                  2 Mangrove Trees
                  20 Hermit crabs


                  • #99
                    this is the new list

                    400 Dwarf Cerith
                    120 Florida Cerith
                    15 Limpets
                    120 Nassarius
                    1 Hawk Wing Conch
                    1 WEst Indian Sea Egg
                    1 Rock Boring Urchin (Red/Pink)
                    1 Rock Boring Urchin (Black)
                    3 Cheato
                    3 Ulva
                    4 Gracilaria
                    5 Codium
                    4 Scroll ALgae
                    2 Red Titan
                    4 Halimeda (Money Plant - Halimeda opuntia)
                    3 Mangrove Trees
                    30 asst hermits
                    30 blue leg hermits
                    3 Spotted Sea Hares


                    • darbex's order
                      30x Dwarf Cerith
                      30x Florida Cerith
                      10x Limpets
                      50x Nassarius
                      2x Hawk Wing Conch
                      1x Pincushion Urchin
                      2x Cheato
                      2x Ulva
                      2x Gracilaria
                      10x blue leg hermits
                      20x large shells ( going to add this to the order )

                      ssrprelude's order
                      30x Dwarf Cerith
                      10x Florida Cerith
                      5x Limpets ( darbex put his order in first so i only have 5 left over, unless you want to add more if so PM asap )
                      10x Nassarius
                      0x Hawk Wing Conch ( no more conch left, i emailed him and he said he'll go look for some today and tomorrow)
                      1x Cheato
                      2x Mangrove Trees
                      20x asst Hermit crabs

                      Coolname1's order
                      2x Gracilaria
                      2x Codium
                      2x Scroll ALgae
                      1x Red Titan (sorry theres only 2 available and i wanted one as well)
                      2x Halimeda
                      ( let me know if you want any snails )

                      20x blue leg hermit crabs

                      2x spotted sea hares


                      • cuc thats left....

                        270 Drawf Cerith
                        60 florida cerith
                        60 nassarius
                        1 west indian sea egg
                        1 rock boring urchin black
                        1 spotted sea hare

                        ps... if you did not get what you want and dont see it on the list please PM me. Or if you want to add to your order with whats available here then let me know. I will be PMing you the price when i get down to working out the discount. please bear with me. expect a pm within the next day or two.


                        • i worked out some details and the math...

                          Some items were discounted more than others, but i really have no idea which is which and by how much. Not to mention some items no longer have prices on the website. I worked out the math from the price quoted to the total cost of retail. so the discount is right at 30% off full retail.

                          So you will get an email from me quoting you the full retail price - 30% discount = total. If you have doubts or concerns, please let me know. Or if you don't want the order let me know. As you know im fronting the cost of the whole order, so if you don't pay up then imma be pretty pissed.


                          • I'll pass on this group buy...Maybe next one


                            • Alright guys. John finally got back to me, seems he had to go hunt down a few more item to complete our order. He can ship tomorrow or Monday next week. Imma opt for tomorrow.


                              • What did he say about Friday?
                                Resident fish bum
                                330G FOWLR
                                34G Reef
                                330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                                28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                                Treasurer, GHAC

