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Celestial Pearl Danio & Bororas brigittae Group Buy (again)

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  • I haven't lost any... They just like to hide out...
    Mentally Challenged

    My Flickr


    • After class ill keep yall posted on the water levels and Ph... For the most part my hous stays cool, even with the weather changing. I did a good 35 percent water change when i came home to some dead ones. then woke up yesterday to 3 more dead so a total of 18 lost =l bummer eh.... thanks for the support and help.


      • Originally posted by Tanknoob View Post
        After class ill keep yall posted on the water levels and Ph... For the most part my hous stays cool, even with the weather changing. I did a good 35 percent water change when i came home to some dead ones. then woke up yesterday to 3 more dead so a total of 18 lost =l bummer eh.... thanks for the support and help.
        test your tap water
        Mentally Challenged

        My Flickr


        • 35% may be too much of a shift in water parameters for them, i am doing only 20% on smaller aquaria. I have 20 and have lost none. I think that I might have 2 merah in there but they still havent colored up enough for me to tell. i am going to lower the pH slowly to see if that helps. is the common name for b.merah exclamation mark fish? i still have a couple that need to fill out but they act healthy. on the other hand the galaxies are coloring and filling out well.
          75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
          28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
          12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
          29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
          45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
          33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

          GHAC Member


          • Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
            This would show if the o2 levels are dropping radically
            True. It was my understanding that he was losing fish at all times of day. If the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate are out of whack, it doesn't matter too much what the O2 levels are... the fish are going to be dying anyway.
            All bleeding stops eventually...


            • The first second massive batch I got from tim along with this groupbuy I threw into my tank and it was still going through bacteria blooms and getting daily 50%+ water changes.

              These guys a little more robust then given credit for.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • For what it's worth, my 15 boras are doing great, no loss. Thanks again for the great deal/price.


                • Man do i feel studpid...... Reason of death. BROKEN HEATER !!!! DANG IT !... LOL WHAT A DUMB MISTAKE JUST BECAUSE THE LIGHTS ON DOESNT MEAN YOUR HEATERS WORKING .... Jezzzzzzz


                  • So it was too cold/hot or was it actually shorted and electrocuting them?
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • To cold ... mannn what a bummer...


                      • How cold does you room/house get? I have my tank sitting at 72 and they're fine.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • man thats crazy thats what i had it at ? i though it was to cold... they live in a moderate 75


                          • I have mine with my crs and the tank is more for the inverts so the water params are set for them.
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • Do CRS Lke waters at 72 ? or 75 ish ?


                              • mine are currently in an unheated tank and they do well. it dropped to maybe 68 a couple nights ago. it could be a combination of stressors and the temp was the final straw though
                                75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
                                28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
                                12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
                                29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
                                45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
                                33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

                                GHAC Member

