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  • order

    I am looking to order some seiryu stone and maybe some driftwood here in the next few weeks. If anyone wants to order as well and save some shipping money let me know.
    29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

    30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

    5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn

  • #2
    I've been tempted, but it's a lot of money for rocks I can't see first.
    I went off the deep end


    • #3
      Originally posted by Parzival View Post
      I've been tempted, but it's a lot of money for rocks I can't see first.
      Thats the thing about buying online


      • #4
        Im tempted but need to finish my build. Saw the website and they have some nice stuff.

        200 - African cichlids
        72 - Salty Bow Front
        33 Cube - community
        10's - Freshwater Shrimp


        • #5
          I have an order in transit for just the driftwood... I like that we get to pick the exact item we want... will post again when I find out how happy I am Bump for shared shipping!


          • #6
            I'm going to stop by ADG next week and look around. If I don't find something, I may order online.
            I went off the deep end


            • #7
              Originally posted by Crude View Post
              I have an order in transit for just the driftwood... I like that we get to pick the exact item we want... will post again when I find out how happy I am Bump for shared shipping!
              Wait whaaa? You can pick what you want?


              • #8
                Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                Wait whaaa? You can pick what you want?
                For the wood, yes
                I went off the deep end


                • #9
                  That's a pretty good deal!


                  • #10
                    Hah. I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not... Either way, that guy has spent a lot of time taking pictures of his driftwood...


                    • #11
                      How much rocks y'all looking for?

                      I'm Looking to move about 200 pounds of rocks.
                      I ate my fish that died.


                      • #12

                        I just need about 5 lbs or so for my shrimp tank.
                        29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

                        30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

                        5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn

