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Plants and goodies from a super plant hoarder

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  • Plants and goodies from a super plant hoarder

    Anyone want to jump in on a purchase from H4N on TPT? He's got a TON of plants, stainless steel mesh filter guards, shrimp food, shrimp supplements, pyrex dishes, etc. Make sure to post, PM, or text me what plants you want so I can contact him to check if he has them in stock. If you want your name anonymous, let me know through PM.

    H4N for sale thread

    Please do not send money until what you want is confirmed as "in stock".
    "In stock" items will be green. Items awaiting confirmation will be "Pending" and yellow. I will automatically remove your item and send you a PM/post on the thread if it is out of stock.

    Final Changes To Master List - Monday, July 15, 2013

    Payment - Thursday, July 18, 2013
    Order Sent In - Friday, July 19, 2013

    Pick Up
    You can pick up from my house (77088) or near my work (77027). PM for addresses. I can deliver to a select few who are located nearby either location.


    Shipping costs will be split evenly between everyone
    $16 Large Flat Rate Box

    To make it fair, discounts will be based on how much you spend (i.e. If you spend more, you get more discount)
    15% off
    20% off if $300 minimum is met

    Payments accepted in cash or Paypal. If sent through Paypal, make sure to send as gift or to add 2.9% + $0.30 to cover for the goods/services as I'm not the seller but a third party. If money isn't received by the evening of July 18th, your order will be dropped.

    Payment Information


    Bacopa Monnieri (Kwc1974/Wesleh/Lookslater/Mr504/Chester)
    Round Pellia (Chester/kwc1974/armthehomeless/suicune/wesleh/Mr504)


    1 order of 5/$8 [5] Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosaefolia' Submerged (Chester) - $8
    2 orders of Anubias Nana 'Petite' (Wesleh) - $10
    2 orders of Bucephalandra Lamandau "Green" (Lookslater/Wesleh) - $40
    1 order of 5/$8 [5] Hygrophila 'Brown'(Lookslater) - $8
    1 order of 5/$8 Limnophila Repens(Lookslater) - $8
    1 order of mixed stems Ludwigia Inclinata/Rotala Mini Butterfly/Limnophila Aromatica (Jozle) - $10
    1 order of 5/$8 [5] Ludwigia "Red" Hybrid (Mr504) - $8
    2 orders of 5/$5 [10] Rotala Colorata (Jozle) - $10

    Foreground Plants
    2 orders of 5"/$1 [10"] Glossostigma Elatinoides (2) - $2

    5 orders of Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green Gecko' (Armthehomeless[2]/Wesleh[3]) - $11.25
    3 orders of Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Bronze' (Wesleh) - $6.75
    orders of Cryptocoryne Undulata (Wesleh) - $9

    3 orders of Narrow Leaf Java Fern (Mr504) - $9
    2 orders of Needle Leaf Java Fern (Armthehomeless) - $6
    2 orders of Trident Java Fern (2/Lookslater) - $8

    2 orders of Fissidens 2x2 SS mesh (Mr504) - $20
    2 orders of Fissidens Splachnobryoides 1x1 SS mesh (Jozle/1) - $16
    2 orders of Mini Pellia 2x2 SS Mesh (Kwc1974) - $30
    2 orders of Marimo balls (Chester) - $10
    1 order of Rose Moss 2x2 SS mesh (Chester) - $15

    1 order of 5/$4 [5] Hygroryza Aristata (Chester) - $4
    2 orders of Red Root Floaters (Chester[1]/Suicune[1]) - $8

    1 order of SS Mesh guard 9mm (1) - $6
    3 orders of SS Mesh guard 13mm (1 [2]/Jozle [1]) - $24
    3 order of SS Mesh guard 16mm (Suicune[1]/Livebearers[2]) - $30
    1 order of BorneoWild Dance 40mL bottle (1) - $25
    10FT of CO2 Tubing (1) - $7.50
    1 order of SS Curved Scissors (1) - $10

    SS Mesh squares
    50 orders of SS Mesh 2x2 (Chester[5]/Wesleh[22]/1[23]) - $30
    4 orders of SS mesh 2x4
    (Wesleh) - $3.40

    1 order of SS mesh 4x6
    (Wesleh) - $3
    1 order of SS mesh 6x12 (Wesleh) - $7
    1 order of SS mesh 12x12 (Wesleh) - $12

    Total Total Discount Shipping Shipping Cost Per Person
    $408.15 $81.63 $16 Large Flat Rate $1.45
    Username Payment (before discount and shipping) Contribution (Decimal) Contribution (Percent) Discount Payment (after discount and $16 shipping)
    Chester $44.00 0.107803504 10.78% $8.80 $36.65
    Suicune $14.00 0.034301115 3.43% $2.80 $12.65
    Wesleh $84.35 0.206664217 20.67% $16.87 $68.93
    1 $86.30 0.211441872 21.14% $17.26 $70.49
    Armthehomeless $10.50 0.025725836 2.57% $2.10 $9.85
    Mr504 $37.00 0.090652946 9.07% $7.40 $31.05
    Jozle $36.00 0.088202867 8.82% $7.20 $30.25
    2 $6.00 0.014700478 1.47% $1.20 $6.25
    Kwc1974 $30.00 0.073502389 7.35% $6.00 $25.45
    Livebearers $20.00 0.049001593 4.90% $4.00 $17.45
    Lookslater $40.00 0.098003185 9.80% $8.00 $33.45
    11 $408.15 1 100.00% $81.63 $342.52
    Last edited by mistahoo; 07-22-2013, 09:27 AM.

  • #2
    Ah I was about to order from him tomorrow... I'll wait and order with you then... btw if you want since I've ordered with him before this will be my second order he'll give a 10% discount...

    from his post on TPT

    *All discounts only apply if orders are over $15 before shipping*
    *Must leave feedback when you receive your orders, that's how I keep tracking of your discounts*
    *Must mention discount*
    *Discount only applys to plants*

    2-5 repeated orders get 10% off order
    6-10 repeated orders get 15% off order
    11- + repeated orders get 20% off order


    • #3
      If our order is big enough, he said he'll give us a discount


      • #4
        I am thinking I will add more to this order before the 19th... he makes great SS filter guards too btw...

        1 order of Red Root Floaters
        5 orders of Hygroryza Aristata
        1 order of Singapore Moss 2x2 SS mesh


        • #5
          Yeah I'm ordering quite a few of those SS filter guards


          • #6
            1 order of Azolla = $3
            1 order of red root floater = $4
            20 nodes of marsilea minuta = $10

            I'll let you know if I want something else.
            I have the patience of a goldfish....


            • #7
              Java Moss

              Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2


              • #8
                I'll probably jump on this.

                Let me check out his list.
                A wife, two kids and two cats.


                • #9
                  Can someone post a list he has. I don't want to get an id just to look
                  Resident fish bum
                  330G FOWLR
                  34G Reef
                  330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                  28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                  Treasurer, GHAC


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Darbex View Post
                    Can someone post a list he has. I don't want to get an id just to look

                    Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosaefolia' - (Submerged) $2.00 per stem or 5 stems for $8
                    (Emersed) - $1.50 per stem

                    Anubias Barteri - $7 per 6-8 leaves per rhizome

                    Anubias Nana 'Petite' - $5 per 6-8 leaves per rhizome

                    Anubias Nana - $6 per 6-8 leaves per rhizome

                    Anubias Nana 'Micro' - $8 per 6-8 leaves per rhizome

                    Anubias Nana 'Gold' - $10 per 6-8 leaves per rhizome

                    Anubias Nana 'Snow White' - $85 per 5-6 leaves per rhizome

                    Bacopa Caroliniana - $1.25 per stem / 5 stems for $5

                    Bacopa Monnieri (Emersed) - $1.25 per stem / 5 stems for $5

                    Bacopa Salzmannii - $2.50 per stem or 5 stems for $10

                    Bacopa Lenagera 'Variegated' - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Bolbitis 'Mini' - $8 per 2" rhizome

                    Blyxa Japonica - $1.25 per plant / 5 plants for $5

                    Bucephalandra Lamandau "Green" - $20 per plant

                    Bucephalandra "Belindae" - $35 each plant

                    Bucephalandra "Sintang" $35 each plant

                    Bucephalandra "Brownie red" - $25 per plant

                    Didiplis Diandra - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Echinodorus AFlame Purple Knight - $15

                    Echinodorus Opacus Verde - $85

                    Echinodorus Satan 2003 - $100

                    Eichhornia Diversifolia - $1.25 per stem / 5 stems for $5

                    Eriocaulaceae sp. 'Type 2 - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Eriocaulon compressium - $35

                    Eriocaulon sp. 'Goias' - $20 per plant

                    Eriocaulon Parkeri - $10 per plant

                    Eriocaulon Cinerum - $20 per plant

                    Eriocaulon Japan - $30 per plant

                    Eriocaulon sp. Sieboldianum - $40 per plant

                    Gratiola Viscidula - $5 per stem

                    Heteranthera Zosterifolia (Stargrass) - $1.00 per stem / 5 stems for $4

                    Hemianthus Glomeratus (baby tear) - .75 per stem / 5 stems for $3

                    Hottonia Palustris - $6 per stem

                    Hygrophila sp. 'Araguaia' -$3 per stem / 5 stems for $12

                    Hygrophila Corymbosa 'Compacta' - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Hygrophila 'Brown' / Hygrophila 'Thai' - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Hygrophila Pinnatifida - $4 per plant

                    Hydrotriche Hottoniiflora - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala (Brazilian Pennywort) - .50 cent per node

                    Lindernia Rotundifolia 'Variegated' - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Limnophila Aromatica - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Limnophila Repens ( 'Mini' )- $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Littorella Uniflora - $10 per plant

                    Lobelia Cardinalis 'Dwarf' - (Submerged) - $3 per plant
                    (Emersed) - $2 per plant

                    Ludwigia "Red" Hybrid - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Ludwigia Inclinata - $2.50 per stem / 5 stems for $10

                    Ludwigia Inclinata 'Curly' or 'Tornado' - $8.00 per stem

                    Ludwigia Repens x L. arcuata - $1.00 per stem / 5 stems for $4

                    Ludwigia Red Palustris - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Ludwigia Senegalensis - $3.00 per stem / 5 stems for $12

                    Micranthemum Umbrosum (Giant baby tear) - $1 per stem / 5 stems for $4

                    Murdannia sp. 'Red' - $3.00 per stem / 5 stems for $12

                    Myriophyllum Mattogrossense - $1.25 per stem / 5 stems for $5

                    Myriophyllum sp. 'Guyana' / 'mini' - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Myriophyllum Tuberculatum - $2.50 per stem / 5 stems for $10

                    Nymphoides sp. 'Taiwan' (Taiwan Lilly) - $3 per plant with roots

                    Nymphaea lotus 'Red' - $10 per full plant

                    Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' - $2.25 per stem / 5 stems for $9

                    Pogostemon Erectus - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Pogostemon stellatus 'Broad Leaf' - $3.00 per stem / 5 stems for $12

                    Proserpinaca Palustris - $2.50 per stem / 5 stems for $10

                    Rotala 'Gia Lai' aka 'H'ra' - $1.25 per stem / 5 stems for $5

                    Rotala Mini Butterfly - $2.50 per stem / 5 stems for $10

                    Rotala Bangladesh - $2.50 per stem / 5 stems for $10

                    Rotala Rotundifolia - $1.00 per stem / 5 stems for $4

                    Rotala Colorata - $1.25 per stem / 5 stems for $5

                    Rotala 'Green' - $1.00 per stem / 5 stems for $4

                    Rotala Indica 'True' - $2.50 per stem / 5 stems for $10

                    Rotala Macranda 'Green' - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Rotala Macranda Japan Red - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Rotala Magenta (Rotala macrandra v. 'narrow leaf') - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Rotala Macrandra 'Variegated' - $10 per stem

                    Rotala Mexicana 'Goias' - $1.75 per stem / 5 stems for $7

                    Rotala sp. 'Yao Yai' - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Rotala Wallichii - $1.50 per stem / 5 stems for $6

                    Rotala Sunset - $15 per stem

                    Rotala Vietnam - $2.00 per stem / 5 stems for $8

                    Starougyne Repens 049 - $1.75 per stem / 5 stems for $7

                    Sagittaria Montevidensis sub sp. Calycina - $15 per plant

                    Syngonanthus sp. 'Belem' - $5 per stem

                    Tonina Fluviatilis - $8 per stem

                    Tonina Lotus Bloosom - $12 per stem

                    Trithuria Sp. aka. Erio Blood Vomit - $35 per plant

                    Vallisneria Americana Gigantea (jungle vals) - $1.25 per plant

                    Foreground Plants:

                    Echinodorus Tenellus - .75 cent per plant

                    Elatine Triandra - $6 for 2x2" portion

                    Glossostigma Elatinoides (Glosso) - $1 per 5" strand

                    Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC or dwarf baby tear) - $5 per 1x1" portion or $10 per 2x2" portion

                    Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides - $1 per 3 nodes / 10 nodes for $2.50

                    Hydrocotyle 'Japan' - $1.50 per 3 nodes / 10 nodes for $3

                    Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis (Micro Sword) - $5 per 1x1" portion or $10 per 2x2" portion

                    Lilaeopsis Chinensis - $5 per 10 nodes

                    Marsilea Quadrifolia - .75 per node or $10 for 20 nodes

                    Marsilea Minuta - .75 per node or $10 for 20 nodes


                    Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green Gecko' - $2.25 per plant

                    Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Bronze' - $2.25 per plant

                    Cryptocoryne Nurii - $6 per plant

                    Cryptocoryne Undulata - $3.00 per plant


                    Java fern - $2 per 2-3" rhizome

                    Windelov Java Fern - $3 per 2-3" long rhizome

                    Narrow Leaf Java Fern - $3 per 2-3" long rhizome

                    Needle Leaf Java Fern - $3 per 2-3" long rhizome

                    Philippine Java Fern - $7 for 3-4" long Rhizome

                    Trident Java Fern - $4 per 2-3" long rhizome


                    Bali Moss - $20 per 2x2" on ss mesh

                    Ricca - $3 per 2x2" patch or $5 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Java Moss - $5 per golf ball or $10 per tennis ball or $4 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Flame Moss - $8 per golf ball or $7 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Fissidens - $15 per golf ball or $10 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Fissidens Geppi - $10 per 1x1 SS mesh square

                    Fissidens Splachnobryoides (The REAL mini fissidens) - $8 per 1x1 SS mesh square or $25 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Notocyphus Lutescens (NL) Moss - $12 per 2x2 SS mesh or $20 per golfball

                    Peacock Moss - $7 per golf ball or $7 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Round Pellia - $5 per golf ball or $4 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Pellia - $6 per golf ball or $5 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Mini Pellia - $15 per 2x2 SS mesh square

                    Mini X-mas Moss - $10 per golf ball or $9 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Marimo balls - $5 each

                    X-mas moss - $7 per golf ball or $6 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Rose Moss - $15 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Mini Rose Moss - $15 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Singapore Moss - $8 per golf ball or $7 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Taiwan Moss - $7 per golf ball or $6 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Weeping Moss - $10 per golf ball or $8 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Willow Moss - $8 per golf ball or $7 per 2x2 SS mesh

                    Floating Plants:

                    Azolla - $3 per 20+ plant-lets

                    Amazon Frogbit - $3 per half sandwich bag

                    Red Root Floaters - $4 per 10+ plant-lets

                    Hygroryza Aristata - $1.00 per strand / 5 strands for $4

                    Dwarf Water Lettuce - $3 per 10+ plant-lets

                    Water Lettuce - $3 per 10+ plant-lets

                    Salvinia Minima $3 per 20+ plant-lets
                    A wife, two kids and two cats.


                    • #11
                      He also makes SS mesh filter guards... here is the post for it... I am using one on my eheim 2211 works really well specially if you keep shrimp and they have shirmplets...

                      From H4N Post on TPT
                      I have some hand made 316 stainless steel filter guards!!!
                      Protect you shrimp babies and fish babies from getting sucked into your filter!!!

                      Mesh holes aren't as small as other sellers was selling before which made them get clogged every quickly and they aren't as big as a few imported versions which as babies get sucked in.


                      SS - T-316 Stainless steel wire mesh ( higher level of corrosion resistance than that offered by T-304 Stainless Steel Wire Mesh),
                      Don't buy inferior product that uses 304 SS mesh

                      Rubber - Marine grade tubing (wont deteriorate),
                      Don't buy inferior product that has regular tubing and will break down!

                      Seams - Seams are folded into each other which takes a bit of time to get perfect. Folding the seam won't letting anything get sucked thru the seam part~!!!
                      Don't buy inferior product that have the seams just lay on each other!


                      22mm - $15

                      17mm - $10

                      16mm - $10

                      13mm - $8

                      9mm - $6

                      I can make custom sizes. Price of custom sizes will be price accordingly based off the prices above.


                      • #12
                        For the SS filter guards
                        Eheim 2232, 2211, 2213, and 2215 = 13mm
                        Eheim 2217, 2026 = 16mm
                        Aquaclear 20, 30, 50 = 17mm
                        RenaStar XP1, XP2, and XP3 = 22mm
                        Red Sea nano/Azoo palm = 13mm
                        Zoomed 501 = 9mm
                        Fluval 305, 406 = 17mm

                        Osmocote Plus Capsules

                        '00' sized capsules
                        -Vegetarian capsules
                        -Kosher certified
                        -Halal certified and inspected

                        25 - $5
                        50 - $8
                        75 - $11
                        100 - $14
                        200 - $22
                        300 - $29

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Iron Enriched Clay balls


                        Natural red clay
                        13% Iron chlelate
                        Osmocote plus

                        Rolled into pea size balls and then air dried.


                        20 - $5
                        40 - $8
                        100 - $15
                        200 - $20

                        BorneoWild Shrimp:

                        Shrimp Foods

                        40g bottle - $14.00
                        20g bottle - $8.00

                        Grow is a complete shrimp diet rich in Phospholipids, various vitamins and chlorella that increases stress tolerance, promotes growth and stimulates moulting. It also contains SG (Shrimp Guard) which improves resistance to infectious disorder. It does not cloud the water.

                        40g bottle - $14.00
                        20g bottle - $8.00

                        Spinach is a healthy diet made from organic spinach, rich in Iron, Calcium, Vitamin (A,C,K), folic acid, carotenoids, Lutein, other minerals and amino acids. The high content of Chlorophyll aids in digestion and antioxidants help improve immunity. It does not cloud the water.

                        50g bottle - $12.00
                        20g bottle - $7.00

                        Color is an organic shrimp diet rich in various types of essential minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, amino acids, nucleic acid, cysteine peptide and spirulina. It enhances the color and strengthens the outer
                        shell of shrimps. It does not cloud water.

                        50g bottle - $12.00

                        Frenzy is a tasty treat made from natural and organic raw material that is simply irresistible to shrimp. Use it as supplementary bits two to three times week or feed together with staple recipe that you wish the shrimp to acquire a taste for.

                        40g bottle - $7.00

                        BARLEY is made from organic barley straw, humic acid and peat. It is a supplementary food for both fries and adult shrimps for promoting growth. Uneaten crumbs help improves bacterial activities, buffers pH and prevents development of black mold.

                        70g bottle - $12.00

                        Bebi is a nutritious diet specially formulated for new born and juvenile shrimps which at the same time, enhances the digestive system by activating the intestinal bacterial flora. It is also capable of maintaining and expediting the maturation of water by breaking down organic waste as well as supporting continual growth of beneficial bacterial, thus useful both as a water column and a substrate additive.

                        To feed, mix EBI BACTER - BEBI with water and pour directly into the tank. Please be sure to use tank or aged water for best effect.

                        To use as a shrimp substrate additive, simple sprinkle it over the bottom of the tank before overlaying with soil.

                        15g bottle - $10.00

                        Stout is a supplementary food made of various minerals, vitamin and micronutrients for shrimps that promotes strong and thick shell.

                        Composition: Astaxanthin, Shrimp and Crab meal, minerals

                        Shrimp Supplements

                        $10 per 100g rock/s

                        Reduces stress and improves water quality

                        MINEROCK is a rare natural mineral found only in Japan. It releases mineral gradually and improves water quality, as well as encourages activation and growth of bacteria in the water. It reduces stress on livestock and encourages proper molting and breeding. It also improves photosynthesis, semiconductor action, mildly increases GH/PH and ion exchange ratio.

                        Place in aquarium, filtration sump tank or use it as a tying media for plants.
                        Use 1 to 2 pieces for a 60cm tank.
                        Rinse lightly before use.

                        100g - $22

                        Reduces stress and improves water quality
                        Minerax is a natural mineral that improves water quality, as well as encourages activation and growth of bacteria in the water. Reduces stress as well as prevents sickness on shrimps and livestock. MINERAX can also be used as slow releasing base substrate mineral supplement in a shrimp or planted aquarium.

                        60g bottle - $18.00

                        Shield is a natural product that enhances growth, immunity and anti-disease ability, lowers death rate, and even controls white spot when used with fish. It absorbs toxins and waste such as HNO2, NH3/4, NO3, H2S, assimilating organic waste into micro-organism food, thus creating a balanced environment in high bio-load tank.

                        60g bottle - $14.00

                        Humic is an organic, granulated humus conditioner that buffers water at pH 6 - 6.5 and gH 3-4. It is ideal for improving activities, survival ratio and higher success rate of breeding in bee shrimps. It also serves as a source of nutrients for microbes, thus maintaining high and healthy levels of soil life. With its hormonal characteristics, plant growth and root development are also enhanced.

                        40ml bottle - $25.00

                        Dance is a highly concentrated Chitin-based additive made from 100% natural material that promotes breeding, moulting and growth in crystal shrimps. Use when observed slowing growth or decreased breeding rate.

                        30g bottle - $10.00

                        Vital is a unique proprietary blend of essential vitamins and supplements which are essential for healthy growth of fishes and shrimps. It activates enzymes in living organisms, reduces stress and also improves luster of scale and shell.

                        GH Up:
                        100g bottle - $10.00

                        Increases GH Safely and Removes Chlorine

                        GH UP is a mixture of balanced calcium and magnesium salts, natural zeolite and chlorine neutralizing agent designed to safely increase GH of water in a shrimp tank. It does not affect KH. A white haze may appear when added but will clear up within 30 minutes.

                        30g bottle - $20.00

                        Promotes Growth, Color and Moulting

                        VIGOR is a mixture of enzyme and chitosan which maintains water quality, promotes growth, coloration and moulting of juvenile and adult shrimps. You can observe that shrimps stop dying during unsuccessful molting. Vigor also helps in boosting plant growth in a planted tank.

                        15g bottle - $14.00

                        Promotes white stripes and thicker shell

                        White is a supplement of various minerals, vitamins and micronutrients for shrimp that promotes healthy white stripes, general color development and thickening of outer shell. Recommended to be used from young for proper development.

                        15g bottle - $14.00

                        Crimson enhances the redness of bee shrimps in a clear and striking fashion. GH and TDS are raised mildly when added.

                        Composition: Spirulina, Montmorillonite, minerals

                        Shrimp Net

                        300mm long (just under 12 inches)

                        The Ebi Net makes catching shrimps much easier and less stressful. The Ebi Net is a light weight and functional net specially designed for the selection and catching of small shrimps in a heavily loaded aquarium.

                        The squarish acrylic handle allows a firm, anti-slip grip that maximizes the ease of control of the net. The net is made of soft but durable material firmly secured to the handle with a stainless steel ring. The net stays erect in a funnel shape offering a minimum hassle netting experience. There is also no worries about shrimps entangling their legs or getting trapped.


                        CRS Specialty Food:
                        25g - $18

                        Mosura CRS Specialty Food is especially designed to enhance the color of crystal red, red bee and other algae eating shrimps. It is mainly plant based, mixed with a small portion of wholesome brackish water crustaceans. The high plant based content is responsible for enhancing the color of crystal red, red bee and other shrimps, while the animal content is necessary for growth and reproduction.

                        In the wild, algae eating shrimps include a small amount of animal matter in their diets. This animal content is obtained from fallen insects, dead larva and other dead aquatic livestock. Therefore we too, include a small, carefully calculated amount of animal content into Mosura CRS Specialty Food.

                        Mosura CRS Specialty Food is enriched with multivitamins (including stabilized vitamin C and E) and minerals which are essential to increase resistance to diseases.

                        25g - $22

                        Mosura Excel is formulated for fast growth and maturation of algae eating shrimp species like Crystal Red Shrimp and Red Bee Shrimps. It has a 50:50 ratio of animal to plant content.

                        Molting enhancer is added into Mosura Excel. This additive is very important, it prevents molting problems and result in faster growth rate.

                        It contains the wholesome goodness of seafood such as green lip mussel, squid derivatives and oysters. The plant content is made up of spirulina, kelp, terrestrial plants and their derivatives. These carefully selected ingredients provide essential nutrients like beta-carotene (important antioxidant), choline, phospholipids (e.g., phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol), fatty acids, cholesterol, minerals like iodine, potassium, calcium, selenium and plant and animal proteins. Vitamin A & D, stablised form of Vitamin C & E and astaxatnthin are added together with Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids (ratio of 2:1). These nutrients have been found to be increase their resistance to diseases, fast growth and maturation of female shrimps.

                        Mosura Excel eliminates the need to use live food to promote the growth and maturing of females. In this way it avoids the parasites and diseases that may come with live food.


                        MOSURA SHRIMPTON is a artificial planktonic food suitable shrimps of all stages including shrimp larvae. It composes of high level of micro-encapsulated, spirulina, chlorella and other ingridents. The high stability micro-encapsulated food contains 12 amino acid and high unit of Vitamin C and E. Vitamins C prevent shrimp in shrimps and vitamin E can increase cellular metabolism, thus improve survival rate. Spirulina and chlorella contains high level of protein, minerals, cholorophyll, that promotes increases vatality and promote metabolism. Shrimpton has Unknown Growth Factor on shrimps and shrimplets.

                        Shrimpton eliminates the need to grow and harvest plankton for shrimps feeding.

                        It demystifies the need of brackish water to develop some species shrimp larvae in captivity. In most cases, shrimp larvae die in captivity because lack of minute size food. Shrimpton food sizes range from 8um to 200um which is an idea food size for all stage of shrimp larvae.

                        It is also an ideal food for fan or filter shrimps, Atyopsis species.

                        Tonic Pro:
                        20g - $30

                        Shrimps have an innate immune system that responds to infections, but their adaptive immune system is inadequate to handle most infections. Enhancing the immune system through nutrients and immunostimulants is important in improving host defense capabilities in shrimp. Probiotics (Mosura BT-9 and Bioplus) also plays an effective role in improving defense capabilities

                        Assa Aqua produces Tonics Pro which is an improved version over Shrimp Tonics, the new version is based entirely on plant ingredients. Shrimp Tonic contains high level of nutrients and immunostimulants which provide a general line of defense for shrimps by strengthen cell to increase resistance to virus and bacteria attack. Shrimp Tonic is able to increase vitality and help in the growth of shrimps and even fishes.

                        We strongly encourage the use of Mosura BT-9 with Tonic Pro to provide 2 lines of shrimps immunity.

                        Tonic Pro is a food supplement, we advise to feed with this about 3 times per week in small amount.

                        To improve health of shrimps in problematic tanks, use Mosura BT-9 to improve the water quality together with water changes, then feed with Tonic Pro.

                        Feed 3 times a week

                        20g - $24

                        Mosura BT-9 is a powerful multipurpose bacteria culture that is specially cultivated to be used in shrimp tanks. It consists of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It purifies water by decomposing ammonia and nitrite. Leftover feed and organic matter are broken down so as to avoid sludge. Mosura BT-9 also lowers Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D) and increases dissolved oxygen. Most importantly, it replenishes beneficial bacteria lost due to environmental and tank water changes.

                        Old Sea Mud Powder:
                        60g - $12

                        Mosura Old Sea Mud Powder is a safe and natural product which enhances water quality, replenishes and enhances minerals and trace elements in your tank water that has been depleted, either by your local utilities, water changes or by excessive filteration, and remove certain harmful substance like decomposed organic carbon, amines and glysxerols from your water, itis also capable of removing heavy metals, free radicals and pesticides in the water.

                        Use of Old Sea Mud is very popular in Japan, and almost all pro shrimp keepers use them.

                        We select high quality mineral rock to be used in our breeding tank and that explains why Mosura Old Sea Mud Powder contains very high portion of trace element, that is close to 3% by weight and close to 70 different trace minerals and compounds have been identified, making it very suitable to remineralize your tank.

                        30g - $15

                        Mosura Rich Water is a biochemical fluvic acid that is specially cultured through biological treatment and bio-fermentation to achieve a product of very high biological activity for aquatic use. It is rich in amino acid, vitamins, microelements, surface activant, nucleic acid, polysaccharide and biologically active acid and unknown growth factor.

                        Mosura Rich Water:
                        - Creates an ecological balance in a tank
                        - Promotes growth of plankton (an additional microscopic food source for shrimps )
                        - Reduces the adverse effects of ammonia and nitrite
                        - Reduces shrimp stress and enhances immunity
                        - Increases vitality, metabolism and improves breeding
                        - Prevents eutrophication
                        - Improves shrimp and plants growth
                        - Re-energizes old gravel/soil

                        TDS Up:

                        Mosura TDS Up is formulated to increase TDS of water by restoring the minerals in water to be used in shrimp tank. It is does not increase GH (general hardness) and has slight acidic property which is highly suitable to be used in shrimp (crystal red shrimp, red bee shrimps, king kong shrimps, wine red shrimps and many other species except Sulawesi shrimp) tanks that are required to maintain in acidic water range.

                        This product is highly recommended to use concurrent with Mosura Mineral Plus to restore tap water, RO water and distilled water to a desired GH and TDS level.

                        PH Down:

                        Mosura pH Down lowers the pH of shrimp tanks by using ingredients which are gentle to shrimps.

                        After dosing Mosura pH Down, the pH level may rebound, in such cases, check and remove the source of alkalinity in your tank (e.g. some types of ceramics and decorative rocks).

                        35mL - $38

                        Mosura Eros contains a special blend of ingredients of non hormones that causes readied female shrimps berried by inducing molting safely. Molting is required for shrimp growth and for female shrimps to get fertilised. Mosura Eros acts as a unique growth and mating stimulant for this purpose.

                        We recommend the regular use of Mosura Eros to minimise molting problems in your shrimps. When this product is dosed it is normal for the shrimp to start to dance around the tank. They should settle down within half an hour or so. Over the next few days the shrimps will molt and healthy matured females will berry.

                        Mosura Eros also functions to normalise metabolism rate, inhibits fungus reproduction in the tank water and prevents enteritis in the shrimps.

                        It is recommended to use 5 spray applications (approx 1ml) of Eros per 50 litres of water initially. Spray Eros about 5cm above the water surface. If the shrimps do not start react by dancing around the tank, add another 3 to 5 spray applications per 50 litres until the shrimp start to dance.

                        Use this product every 10 to 14 days alone or in conjunction with Mosura Gravidas to optimize your breeding program.

                        Shrimps in captivity may not molt regularly due to non suitable or bad water condition, when the situation continues, their shells will be hardened, growth is retarded and breeding stops, further molting is impossible. Eros induces shrimps to molt and will not affect those are not ready to molt and thus eliminate the hardened shell problem and get females pregnant when ready.

                        Mineral Plus Ultra:
                        100ml - $17
                        250ml - $32

                        Mineral Plus Ultra is a concentrated version of Mineral Plus. Its concentration is double of Mineral Plus.

                        Crystal red shrimps and other shrimps display poor color in low mineral waters. High mortality rate for gestation female when they are in very soft water. Most of the shrimplets disappeared before they can reach 8mm in size. So you can see it is a very serious problem when an aquarium lack of minerals, in search of a solution that is easy to use and gentle, we created Mosura Mineral Plus.

                        MOSURA Mineral Plus Ultra also improves the colour of Crystal Red Shrimps and Red Bee Shrimps, in particular it intensifies the whiteness of the shrimps. This is achieved by providing the essential minerals that are lacking in our tap water. By providing a conducive environment for the shrimps, it allows them to build up their exoskeletons, thereby allowing for stronger and more vibrant colouration.

                        Our tests have also shown this product to increase the intensity of blue in blue tiger shrimps or golden eyes shrimps.

                        This products does not alter the pH and kH of your water, but will mildly alter the tank's GH value and increase TDS. MOSURA Mineral Plus can be used on an existing tank, added to a new tank or during every water change.

                        We use Mineral Plus Ultra to keep the TDS of our Red Bee Shrimps tank to be around 150ppm to 200ppm or GH from 3 to 5.

                        This product does not contain Calcium Phosphate or other Phosphate. Phosphate encourages the growth of algae. Algae can be detrimental to shrimps, for example, hair algae traps shrimps and causes them to death.


                        QUATRO II:
                        50g - $20

                        EBITABREED Quatro II is based on the concept of “natural food” which consists of only natural materials and excludes all the chemical additives. We aimed at improving appetite with little influence of established knowledge in dietetics by keeping the minimum nutrition required for crustacean. Its composition is just the opposite to the Hinomaru Bentoh, with considerations that the nutrition required can be supplied by raw materials as much as possible.

                        The mineral of the natural raw materials origin is included in abundance. The color is improved and outer shell strengthened. With improved appetite, the frequency of feeding be increased. 13 kinds of minerals and vitamins, a dietary fiber, 18 kinds of amino acids, nucleic acid(DNA and RNA), cysteine peptide are included.

                        Spinach Tab:
                        40g - $20

                        EBITA BREED Spinach Tab is a bee-shrimp food newly developed using organic spinach that is highly packed with vitamins and minerals. Apart from high iron content, EBITA BREED Spinach Tab also contains abundance of Calcium, Vitamin A, C, K, folic acid and carotenoids Beta-Carotene and Lutein. The high content of Chlorophyll aids in the digestion of the shrimps. Bioflavonoid Quercetin that gives Spinach anti-oxidant properties in addition to its many other benefits, helps to improve immunity and reduces chances of diseases. In all, EBITA BREED Spinach Tab contains more than 25 kinds of nutrients, 18 kinds of amino acids, 10 kinds of vitamins and 13 kinds of minerals.

                        The main ingredient, Spinach powder, is made from organically grown crops which are free from agricultural chemicals. Boiling procedure during processing also reduces harmful impact from the Oxalic acid which makes it a healthy choice for the shrimps.

                        EBITA BREED Spinach Tab is healthy and well liked food for all crustacean, shellfishes, corydoras, pelco, otocinclus and all other herbivorous bottom feeders.

                        Instruction to use: Please feed only quantity that can be readily finished. Uneaten food should be removed due to its high nutritious content.
                        Please use within 6 months after opening.
                        Please keep it in dark, cool and dry place.

                        Shipping - approximately
                        $8 Priority
                        $4-$5 First class

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Use them in your shrimp tank or whatever to keep your substrate clean from left over foods!!!!


                        Glass Pyrex/Corning Petri dishes
                        People who are unfamiliar with Pyrex/Corning, they make high quality glass items.

                        2 Sizes:


                        Bottom - 54mm x 15mm
                        Cover - 60mm x 13mm


                        $8 Each

                        2x for $14 - ($7 each)

                        4x for $24 - ($6 each)

                        No Name Brand Dishes:

                        2 Sizes:

                        Bottom - 58mm x 15.5mm
                        Cover - 64mm x 15mm

                        $7 Each

                        2x for $12 - ($6 each)

                        4x for $20 - ($5 each)

                        Need more? Let me know!

                        One free food sample with the purchase of a feeding dish order~!!!!! ( I pick though )

                        I can shipped either USPS first class or USPS Priority.
                        First class - $2-$4
                        Priority - $6

                        I'll try my best to package them w/o getting destroyed by USPS.
                        I have plenty of bubble wrap and will try to double box them also.


                        Here are some good comparison pictures on my iPhone, two quarters in one and a dime to show high.

                        This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image.

                        This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image.

                        This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image.

                        This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image.

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Shrimp/Fish Food Sample Portions:

                        So after my RAOK, there was a lot of interest in the shrimp food sample portions.
                        So guess what they are now for sale.
                        I know a lot of people want to try out the high end shrimp/fish food, but arent willing to spend $10-$20 on shrimp/fish food and then have them not have any interest in it. Or you were like me who wanted to try them all!

                        All prices are Per Gram (unless noted):


                        Ei - $2.25

                        Han - $2.00 NEW

                        Kou-Yang (calcium bentonite based mineral rock) - 10g rock/s - $6 NEW

                        BorenoWild Fish:

                        Staple S - $1.00

                        Pro Grow - $1.00

                        Pro Color - $1.00

                        Spirulina - $1.25

                        BorenoWild Shrimp Food:

                        Grow - $1.50

                        Spinach - $1.50

                        Barley - $1.25

                        Color -$1.25

                        Frenzy - $1.25

                        Bebi - $1.25

                        Multipara - $2.00 NEW

                        BorenoWild Shrimp Additives:

                        Bee balls - .75 cent per ball (These are small balls)

                        Dance 4ml - $5 NEW

                        Torque - $2.50 NEW

                        Enlive - $1.25 NEW

                        Shield - $1.25

                        GH Up - $1.25

                        Humic - $1.50

                        Minerax - $1.50

                        Vital - $1.75

                        Stout - $1.75

                        Vigor - $2.00

                        White - $2.00

                        Crimson - $2.00

                        ALSO: Shrimp Substrate Additive Packet
                        "Can be used as substrate additive to create a fast maturing and stable substrate system"

                        $15 a packet - Enough for a 20g


                        CRS Food - $2.00

                        Excel - $2.00


                        Bee balls (mineral ball) - $5 each NEW

                        Baby food - $2.25

                        Golden Eye Food - $2.25

                        Golden Eye Mineral Food - $2.25

                        Red Bee Ambitious - $2.25

                        SP Food - $2.50

                        Kale Tablets - $2.00 (1g = 4 tablets)

                        Golden Food - $1.75

                        Minima Breeder Shirakura:

                        Ebi-dama (Shrimp ball) food - $1.75

                        Ebi-dama (Shrimp ball) SOFT food - $1.75

                        Ebi-dama (Shrimp ball) SPEICAL - $2.00

                        Baby shrimp food - $2.00

                        Ebita Breed:

                        Quatro 2 - $1.50

                        Red Bee shrimp food - $2.00


                        Max Breed - $2.00

                        Max Growth - $2.00

                        BioBalls - $2.00 per ball


                        Biomax #3 - $1.50

                        White pellet - $1.50


                        ADA Red Bee - $2.50

                        ShrimpLab Mochi - $2.00

                        Sera Shrimps Natural - $1.00

                        Fluval Shrimp Granules - $.75

                        __________________________________________________ __________

                        Buy $20 worth of food shipping is FREE

                        Shipping will be the same - $2-$3 first class or $6 priority

                        1-2 food sample can be mailed in a regular white envelope if you want~!!! - .50 cent

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Stainless Steel Tweezers


                        8" - $8 each


                        8" - $9

                        Stainless Steel Scissors


                        7.5" Satin - $12


                        6.5 - $10

                        Shipping shouldn't cost that much for first class.

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Grade "A" Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

                        Great for shrimp/fish tanks:

                        -Reduces PH from the tanning of the leaves
                        -Great source of food for shrimps and especially baby shrimps
                        -Promote shrimp & fish breeding
                        -Higher survival rates for shrimplets & fry

                        $9 for 20 pieces

                        Shipping - $3 and up for First class or $7 Priority mail

                        Alder Cones

                        Same thing as IAL, but smaller and last longer, I think

                        .10 cent per cone

                        Cholla wood


                        About 6" long, straight


                        $3 each
                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Stainless Steel Mesh T-316

                        I just got my order in on some T-316 Stainless steel mesh.
                        Little different then what I had before.
                        This time its a bit thinner, So shipping cost a bit cheaper for me and you because of the weight. AND it's much easier to cut~!!!

                        People use this ss mesh for tying down mosses, making moss walls, Filter guards and more~!!!

                        Some Facts:

                        T-316 Stainless Steel Wire Mesh has a higher level of corrosion resistance than that offered by T-304 Stainless Steel Wire Mesh.

                        T-316 Stainless Steel Wire Mesh is the preferred choice for corrosion resistance in marine applications. Other popular uses for T-316 Stainless Steel Wire Mesh include specific food processing, pharmaceutical, and filtering applications.


                        Wire Thickness - 0.018"
                        Hole Opening - 0.048"


                        2"x2" pieces - .60
                        2"x4" pieces - .85
                        4"x6" pieces - $3
                        6"x6" pieces - $4.50
                        6"x12" pieces - $7
                        12"x12" pieces - $12

                        I can also custom size it for your needs~!!
                        Specs may vary depending on whats in stock.

                        __________________________________________________ _______________

                        Co2 Tubing:



                        Inside Diameter
                        1/8 inches

                        Outside Diameter
                        1/4 inches

                        Wall Thickness
                        1/16 inches



                        .75 cent per feet

                        __________________________________________________ __________________

                        Brand New Things I dont need:

                        Fluval Ebi Light - $30
                        22" 65 watt Coralife PC bulb - 10k - square pin - $25
                        Small Dual Sponge Filters - $5 each
                        4x 2-Stage Box Filter (Air Pump Driven - 3"(L) x 3"(W) x 5" to 7"(H) - $5 each
                        Benibachi Golden GH UP - $25
                        2x Finnex HMA 150 watts heater - $28
                        1lbs of unused Akadama double red line substrate - $10

                        HTG 4ft 4x T5HO Light fixture comes with 4 brand new bulbs
                        (Has 95%+ polished Aluminum Reflector that are bent around each bulb!!!!, same fixture I use on all my tanks) - $185

                        HTG 2ft 4x T5HO Light fixture comes with 4 brand new bulbs
                        (Has 95%+ polished Aluminum Reflector that are bent around each bulb!!!, samer fixture I use on all my tanks) - $150
                        Hanging kit - $15

                        Used or open:

                        Open but no used - Fluval Shrimp Safe Tap Water Conditioner 2oz - $2
                        Fluval EDGE Fish Net - $5
                        2x Marineland Emperor 400 - $25 each
                        Fluval nano filter - $10


                        • #13
                          Ill take the 5 Japonica and 2 flame moss squares.
                          Resident fish bum
                          330G FOWLR
                          34G Reef
                          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                          Treasurer, GHAC


                          • #14
                            What food he has is good for ninja shrimp?
                            Resident fish bum
                            330G FOWLR
                            34G Reef
                            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                            Treasurer, GHAC


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wesleh View Post
                              Java Moss

                              Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2
                              How much of it? One order? Two?

