My supplier offered me a good price on 3" clown loaches. I want to get a group but I'm required to buy 75. They are $6 each. Let me know what if you're interested. I will receive the fish next Friday if order is placed by this Thursday. If this doesn't seem to be a good deal let me know and I'll back away from this order.
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Clown Loach
That's a great price for each, but that's a whole lot of clown loaches. Then upon arrival you'll have to treat them for ich right away, definitely if they have to be shipped which probably requires at least a 55g to do so. What does shipping look like? 75x 3" sensitive fish can't be cheap. That's probably close to a 550-600.00 transaction of fish that are guaranteed to have ich when you get them
I will take 5sigpic
72 Gal bow front - 11 L134 plecos , 6 albino corys , 10 mikula (2 inches)
30 Gallon - Bristle nose male and long fin albino pleco and their babies- breeding tank.
20 gallon planted long- Assorted guppies, long fin pleco juvies
30 gallon hexagon - Black moscow guppies and long fins
46 Gallon- Gold fishes
10 gallon - breeding cory
10 gallon - cory babies
Ok, I didn't have enough interest so I didn't place the order. I will place the order a week from today. I can't take a chance in ordering that many and not have people committed to them. So if you guys are serious PM me with a quantity and we will go from there. I would like the minimum order to be 10 per person, but will work with any quantity.210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
125g Mdoka White Lip
"Success is the willingness to fail"