flowerhornusa.com go to the selling section, guy has a kamalau for sale in houston... even has his phone number... real nice looking fish, really pearly... told me $250 and the fish is 5-6 inches... he also told me to make an offer... if i scrounge up the change i might grab it, so there ya go!
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Sweet flowerhorn!!!
I feel a certain someone is about to get on their anti-hybrid soap box again!PLECOS SUCK!
i saw the fish last night at tony's place... holy crap!!! nothin like the picture... had i been to lazy/greedy to go check it out myself in person, i would have bought it for 120... its an easy 300$+ fish... colors are nice, short bodied, finnage is pretty good (that must have been an old picture) and amazing pearls.... its gonna be a great breeder... only flaw is the lack of a flowerline, but no big deal if tony wants to start crossing for faders... ima get tony to post pics! unless he tries to sell it lol