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cheap 450 gallon

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  • #16
    Most conrete used in house foundations is 3000 or 4000psi. Most foundations are 4-6" thick. A gallon of water weighs about 8lbs. That means the tank would probally weigh around 4000lbs full of only water. This shouldnt create a problem because the weight is spread out over more area than 1". Just thought i would add.
    10 Gallon (emergency tank)
    20 Gallon (emrgency tank)
    58 gallon ( Tetra, Platie, Cory)
    125 Gallon (Ikola)


    • #17
      I Agree but this helps your point code on conctrete slab for a single story house is 8" and 10" for two story house
      Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


      • #18
        And six inches for garages
        Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


        • #19
          Originally posted by Enin View Post
          Most conrete used in house foundations is 3000 or 4000psi. Most foundations are 4-6" thick. A gallon of water weighs about 8lbs. That means the tank would probally weigh around 4000lbs full of only water. This shouldnt create a problem because the weight is spread out over more area than 1". Just thought i would add.
          I don't think there will be a crack concrete issue, the problem might be the house unleveling. We had our foundation done a decade or so ago and the guy said even after a proper job it can become unleveled again because we receive a lot of rain. We built a storage in our backyard and left it sitting kind of high, after a while it began sinking into the ground so we have used a car jack to lift it up and add a few blocks more than once.


          • #20
            Originally posted by electricblue View Post
            I don't think there will be a crack concrete issue, the problem might be the house unleveling. We had our foundation done a decade or so ago and the guy said even after a proper job it can become unleveled again because we receive a lot of rain. We built a storage in our backyard and left it sitting kind of high, after a while it began sinking into the ground so we have used a car jack to lift it up and add a few blocks more than once.
            you can do that with a car jack?? right now my home have some beams that are rotting in the below the front of the house... you think i can change it using 2 car jacks?


            • #21
              Originally posted by cichlid1409 View Post
              that was a sweet tank. thats crazy to hear though and never thought of it. used to love going in there when I lived north of dallas.
              have you been to their old location? i was only at their new location for approx two months then i moved back to houston... their new location is nice too


              • #22
                i dont know much about foudation, but all i know when i was working there at dallas north their 440gal tank was sitting in the middle of the old store. i can see the crack towards the register i was working at. so if you do get a huge tank check what your foundation can hold...


                • #23
                  Jim you better hurry I'm ready for it I'll be going to pick it up Sunday if you don't get it by then
                  Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


                  • #24
                    Do it!
                    46 gallon bow front
                    Grow Out Cichlid tank

                    240 gallon long
                    Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by soybeanbaby View Post
                      have you been to their old location? i was only at their new location for approx two months then i moved back to houston... their new location is nice too
                      no i havnt been to dallas in years. i'll try and check it out next time i go.
                      25g - Reef
                      3.5g - Surge Tank
                      10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jhenry View Post
                        Jim you better hurry I'm ready for it I'll be going to pick it up Sunday if you don't get it by then
                        get it bro, I'm going bigger


                        • #27
                          Just talked to the guy I'm going to look at it on Sunday.
                          Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


                          • #28
                            FYI No matter how big of a column of water in diameter, it is only .433 PSI per foot of depth, so a tank 30" would be 2.5 X .433= 1.0825 pounds per square inch of surface area.
                            Go to Heaven for the climate Hell for the company.

                            125g SA/CA
                            125g Red Jewels, and mbuna
                            90g Hex Angels, Tetras, and Cories
                            55g Low Tech Planted. Guppies, Neon Tetras, Red Cherry Shrimp
                            55g peacock pair
                            45g Fry tank
                            12g Hospital Tank
                            75g Coming soon....Geos?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Airjammer View Post
                              FYI No matter how big of a column of water in diameter, it is only .433 PSI per foot of depth, so a tank 30" would be 2.5 X .433= 1.0825 pounds per square inch of surface area.
                              And why did we get this little tid bit of info?

                              And how does it pertain to what we are talking about?
                              Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jhenry View Post
                                And why did we get this little tid bit of info?

                                And how does it pertain to what we are talking about?

                                That's kind of a drastic response, let's keep it together here people its just fish.
                                FRENCH FRY!!!

                                55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'

