I am selling these fish in one lump to any collectors out there. I am also giving away the 125 gallon tank you see them in for free. That does NOT include filter, light and decorations but DOES include Gravel if you want it and an undergravel filter system you would have 2 buy a couple of powerheads for. I need to downsize a.s.a.p! 50.00 takes them all the fish home and the tank. Tank is not new or flawless but it DOES NOT leak. Fish are all or nothing . Im not selling them off singly though the tank is optional on your part. Must have your own buckets for transport. First person who show up with $50.00 takes the fishes home. I am firm on the price. I wont take a penny less then $50.00 for all this. Dont even ask because this is a silly stupid good deal. If youre getting the tank you need to bring some muscle, its older style beefy 3/4 inch glass and its HEAVY. Also, I DO NOT have a stand for the tank. I have pics below and three video links on u-tube that show my fish:
Here's the list:
1 Wolf Cichlid 5"
1 White Giant Gourami
1 Polypterus Birchir 5"
1 Clown Knife 6"
1 African Cichlid Juvenile 2"
1 Red Devil 4"
1 Red Oscar 5"
2 Tiger Oscars 4"
1 Albino Oscar 4"
4 Green Terrors 3-4"
5 Blue Ascii Cichlids 3"
1 Fontosa 3"
1 Siamese Tiger Fish 3"
1 Green Spotted Puffer 2"
1 Fire Eel 6"