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craigslist- 200 Gallon Salt Water Aquarium with Fish - $250 (Dayton, TX)

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  • craigslist- 200 Gallon Salt Water Aquarium with Fish - $250 (Dayton, TX)

    **NOT MINE.. FROM CL***

    Nice salt water aquarium with fish, salt water books, everything in tank included.

    72 Gal bow front - 11 L134 plecos , 6 albino corys , 10 mikula (2 inches)
    30 Gallon - Bristle nose male and long fin albino pleco and their babies- breeding tank.
    20 gallon planted long- Assorted guppies, long fin pleco juvies
    30 gallon hexagon - Black moscow guppies and long fins
    46 Gallon- Gold fishes
    10 gallon - breeding cory
    10 gallon - cory babies

  • #2
    I must have this tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    130 gallon lake malawi breeding community tank red zebra with true blue male, Mosobo "deep", Rusties, Taiwan reef.
    125 gallon with Carl the crappie and Mrs. C the crawdad
    100 gallon tall Walstad method planted tank
    55 gallon tropical mixture of guppies, platy's, clown loaches
    55 gallon pea puffer planted tank
    30 gallon Cichlid fry tank
    30 gallon planted snowball shrimp tank.
    10 gallon Killi fish australe orange planted tank trying to breed

