I wasn't sure where to post this, Dan's HAW thread, or here...
Dan over at HAW (Houston Aquarium Warehouse) has about 6 or 7 nice flowerhorns for only $120.00 each.
The reason I'm posting this, is that he told us that he has had a hard time selling them (most likely due to the fact that he doesn't have a traditional store-front and most of his traffic is Discus related) and was probably not going to order anymore from his overseas importer. Well if that happens, H-town will be at a loss because these are some seriously nice flowerhorns.
Here's the proof:

Good pearling, great flower-line, and a nice bulbous kok (that's pronounced "coke" you pervs..).
We bought one earlier this week and just have to go back to take delivery. They are some of the nicest in town, and as mentioned above, dirt cheap. I just wanted to put the word out there for Dan and for anyone here on the box that might have been looking for a flowerhorn, but hadn't found anything they liked at other stores - or wasn't happy with the prices of those available at those stores.
I'm pretty sure if people in the market for flowerhorns knew that Dan was carrying some, and saw them, they would have already been gone when we went this week. Hopefully there are some boxers here in the market, or perhaps know someone who is.
I'd hate to see such a great line of flowerhorns stop being imported to H-town just because we didn't know they were there!
Dan over at HAW (Houston Aquarium Warehouse) has about 6 or 7 nice flowerhorns for only $120.00 each.
The reason I'm posting this, is that he told us that he has had a hard time selling them (most likely due to the fact that he doesn't have a traditional store-front and most of his traffic is Discus related) and was probably not going to order anymore from his overseas importer. Well if that happens, H-town will be at a loss because these are some seriously nice flowerhorns.
Here's the proof:

Good pearling, great flower-line, and a nice bulbous kok (that's pronounced "coke" you pervs..).
We bought one earlier this week and just have to go back to take delivery. They are some of the nicest in town, and as mentioned above, dirt cheap. I just wanted to put the word out there for Dan and for anyone here on the box that might have been looking for a flowerhorn, but hadn't found anything they liked at other stores - or wasn't happy with the prices of those available at those stores.
I'm pretty sure if people in the market for flowerhorns knew that Dan was carrying some, and saw them, they would have already been gone when we went this week. Hopefully there are some boxers here in the market, or perhaps know someone who is.
I'd hate to see such a great line of flowerhorns stop being imported to H-town just because we didn't know they were there!